title: Reference Architecture
flowchart LR
subgraph caddy ["Caddy"]
reverse_proxy("Reverse Proxy\n@")
letsencrypt[/"Let's Encrypt"/]
caddy -->|"renew TLS certificates"| letsencrypt
user -->|"HTTPS"| reverse_proxy
user -->|"HTTPS"| webserver
reverse_proxy -->|"proxy to"| xsnippet_api[["localhost:8080\n@ /opt/xsnippet-api/xsnippet-api"]]
webserver -->|"serve at"| xsnippet_web[["HTML/JS/CSS\n@ /opt/xsnippet-web/"]]
xsnippet_api --> postgres
The project provides the Ansible playbook to deploy XSnippet service on a single node. This includes but not limited to provisioning the following components:
Some key points about the components can be found below:
PostgreSQL stores its data on an external volume (if attached).
XSnippet API is managed by a system level systemd service that drops privileges to
user on start. It communicates with PostgreSQL via unix sockets in order avoid managing passwords. -
Caddy server has been chosen to simplify TLS certs management, since it integrates with LetsEncrypt and requests and renews TLS certs automatically as the need arise.
It's as easy as running the following command:
$ ansible-playbook -i inventories/production site.yml
Please note, in order to provision a new node from scratch, the playbook is expected to be executed from a passwordless sudo user. If such user does not exist, please create one for ansible usage.