
A fully themeable markdown editor with live syntax highlighting.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Version Carthage compatible CocoaPods compatible


let notepad = Notepad(view.bounds, themeFile: "one-dark")

Notepad is just like any other UITextView, but you need to use the convenience initializer in order to use the themes. To create a new theme, copy one of the existing themes and edit the JSON.

Check out the Xcode project for an example. For full documentation read the code.


Take a look at all of the themes and swatches when choosing the theme for your Notepad, or as inspiration for a new one.

You can find all of the raw themes in the themes folder, and the file names are case-sensitive.

Custom Regex

Using regex, you can match custom patterns in your Notepad editor by passing a regex attribute in your theme. For example, one that highlights Twitter handles in a teal color:

"handle": {
  "regex": "[@@][a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,20}",
  "color": "#78ddd5"


Copy the source from the Notepad folder to your project, or add Notepad to your Podfile if you're using CocoaPods.