
download youtube subtitles(closed caption, cc) as txt or json, support translation and proxy. available on PIP 🐍 . try it online at google colab!

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


3.0.0 fix download error and it finally supports download entire playlist! see Download the caption of entire playlist

Try it now!

try it online with google's free python runtime! protip: you are able to download the output file from the sidebar! FREE from installation on your machine!




Due to changes of youtube api, you need to UPGRADE to 3.0.0, see Install and Run

Download Youtube Subtitle Build Status

Download youtube subtitles(closed caption, cc) or srt as txt or json.


  1. Support exportting translation at the same time which is useful for language study.
  2. Full control. All available caption will be displayed, use --caption_num --caption_num_second to choose the caption which will be displayed as original or translation transcript.
  3. Support proxy for youtube, follow the step at Using Anaconda behind a company proxy by setting environment-variables.
  4. Full test with traivis Build Status to make sure things are on rail.

python version of algolia/youtube-captions-scraper: Fetch youtube user submitted or fallback to auto-generated captions


save as txt

dl-youtube-cc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgNiGj1nGYE --translation 'ru' or dl-youtube-cc wgNiGj1nGYE --translation 'ru'

will saved as Version1.5SpecialProgramGenshinImpact.txt

video_link	 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgNiGj1nGYE
original	 code="zh-Hans" name="Chinese (Simplified)"
translation	 ru
Давным-давно, два близнеца вместе путешествовали по Вселенной.

Однажды путь им преградило неизвестное божество

save as json

dl-youtube-cc wgNiGj1nGYE --translation ru --to_json=True will saved as Version1.5SpecialProgramGenshinImpact.json

    "original": [
            "start": "0",
            "dur": "5056",
            "text": "从前,有一对双胞胎结伴在宇宙中旅行"
    	// continue
    "translation": [
            "start": "0",
            "dur": "5056",
            "text": "Давным-давно, два близнеца вместе путешествовали по Вселенной."
        // continue
    "merged": [
            "start": "0",
            "dur": "5056",
            "text": "从前,有一对双胞胎结伴在宇宙中旅行",
            "translate_text": "Давным-давно, два близнеца вместе путешествовали по Вселенной."
		// continue

use caption_num caption_num_second to get full control

All available caption will be displayed, use --caption_num --caption_num_second to choose the caption which will be displayed as original or translation transcript.

>> dl-youtube-cc "wgNiGj1nGYE" --caption_num=0 --caption_num_second=3 --output_file="0,3-zh,fr.txt"
INFO:  available caption(s):
INFO:  #0  ✔ as original code="zh-Hans" name="Chinese (Simplified)"
INFO:  #1  ⭕ code="zh-Hant" name="Chinese (Traditional)"
INFO:  #2  ⭕ code="en-US" name="English (United States)"
INFO:  #3  ✔ as translation code="fr" name="French"
INFO:  #4  ⭕ code="de" name="German"
INFO:  #5  ⭕ code="id" name="Indonesian"
INFO:  #6  ⭕ code="pt" name="Portuguese"
INFO:  #7  ⭕ code="ru" name="Russian"
INFO:  #8  ⭕ code="es" name="Spanish"
INFO:  #9  ⭕ code="th" name="Thai"
INFO:  #10 ⭕ code="vi" name="Vietnamese"
INFO:  given by --caption_num default to 0 as original
INFO:  Save to  0,3-zh,fr.txt

Install and Run

  1. pip install download-youtube-subtitle or pip install download-youtube-subtitle --user
  2. dl-youtube-cc -h

or uninstall to reinstall new version

pip uninstall download-youtube-subtitle -y

Run in CLI

Download the caption of one video

dl-youtube-cc -h will show the following.

    dl-youtube-cc - download youtube closed caption(subtitles) by videoID

    dl-youtube-cc VIDEOID <flags>

    dl-youtube-cc -h # to see this helpful infomation
    dl-youtube-cc wgNiGj1nGYE --translation 'ru' # use russian translation, see ./lang_code for full list
    dl-youtube-cc wgNiGj1nGYE --caption_num=1 --translation 'ru' # choose the caption num for original transcript and use russian translation,
    dl-youtube-cc wgNiGj1nGYE --caption_num=1 --caption_num_second=2 # manually choose the original and translation transcript from available caption list
    dl-youtube-cc wgNiGj1nGYE --translation False # without translation
    dl-youtube-cc wgNiGj1nGYE --save_to_file=False # print stuff in console
    dl-youtube-cc wgNiGj1nGYE --output_file='test.txt' # print stuff in named file
    dl-youtube-cc wgNiGj1nGYE --to_json=True # print stuff in json

        Type: str
        the video link or the id of youtube video, the string after 'v=' in a youtube video link

        Type: typing.Union[str, bool]
        Default: 'zh-Hans'
        which will be displayed as original transcript, default to 'zh-Hans' for simplified Chinese, see ./lang_code.json for full list, or pass False to disable translation
        Type: int
        Default: 0
        choose the caption which will be displayed as original transcript
        Type: Optional[int]
        Default: None
        will surpass translation option, choose the caption which will be displayed as translation transcript
        Type: Optional[str]
        Default: None
        default to video title
        Type: bool
        Default: True
        pass False to print in console
        Type: bool
        Default: False
        pass True to export caption to json
        Type: bool
        Default: True
        remove font tag

Download the caption of entire playlist

dl-youtube-cc-playlist -h will show the following.

    dl-youtube-cc-playlist - download youtube closed caption(subtitles) by playlist. To figure most of params, please use dl-youtube-cc to download one video first before downloading the entire playlist.

    dl-youtube-cc-playlist PLAYLIST_URL <flags>

    dl-youtube-cc-playlist -h # to see this helpful infomation
    dl-youtube-cc-playlist PLS1QulWo1RIaJECMeUT4LFwJ-ghgoSH6n
    dl-youtube-cc-playlist PLS1QulWo1RIaJECMeUT4LFwJ-ghgoSH6n 0 3 # download the first 3 videos
    dl-youtube-cc-playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS1QulWo1RIaJECMeUT4LFwJ-ghgoSH6n

        Type: str
        the playlist link or the id of youtube playlist, the string after 'list=' in the url

        Default: 0
        the index number in the playlist to start downloading, starting from 0
    -e, --end=END
        Type: Optional[]
        Default: None
        the index number in the playlist to end downloading, exclusively
        Type: Optional[typing.Union[st...
        Default: None
        which will be displayed as original transcript, default to 'zh-Hans' for simplified Chinese, see ./lang_code.json for full list, or pass False to disable translation
        Type: int
        Default: 0
        choose the caption which will be displayed as original transcript
        Type: Optional[int]
        Default: None
        will surpass translation option, choose the caption which will be displayed as translation transcript
    -o, --output_file=OUTPUT_FILE
        Type: Optional[str]
        Default: None
        default to video title
        Type: bool
        Default: True
        pass False to print in console
        Type: bool
        Default: False
        pass True to export caption to json
    -r, --remove_font_tag=REMOVE_FONT_TAG
        Type: bool
        Default: True
        remove font tag

    You can also use flags syntax for POSITIONAL ARGUMENT

Use in Code

import download_youtube_subtitle.common as common
import download_youtube_subtitle.main as download_youtube_subtitle
# ...


Environment Setup

for conda

pip install 'fire' 'requests' 'IPython' 'sure' 'pytube' 'progiter'
pip install -e .


python main.py -h
python main.py VIDEOID


cd tests


deployment - How can I use setuptools to generate a console_scripts entry point which calls python -m mypackage? - Stack Overflow

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