
Hardware Video Streaming meta repository

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hardware-video-streaming meta repository

This repository groups libraries, programs and examples related to video and point cloud streaming.

Before diving in

If you have no specific needs use gstreamer or FFmpeg command line streaming.


Multiple technologies hardware decoding wrapped in a simple zero-copy interface to FFmpeg.

VAAPI hardware encoding wrapped in a simple zero-copy interface to FFmpeg.

A simple zero buffering UDP blaster.

Network hardware decoder on top of HVD and MLSP.

Network hardware encoder on top of HVE and MLSP wrapped in a simple zero-copy interface.

Example of Realsense camera infrared stream H.264 encoding with HVE.

Example of Realsense camera depth stream HEVC Main10 encoding with HVE.

Example of Realsense camera color/ir H.264 and color/ir/depth HEVC network streaming with NHVE.

Unity rendering example of unhvd-native hardware decoded H.264/HEVC network video/depth stream.

Native library for video, streaming, hardware decoding and depth to point cloud unprojection on top of NHVD and HDU.

Compute, vertex and pixel shaders for unprojection and rendering of point clouds.

Additional information

The top level solution built on top of libraries forms:

  • 100 ms order latency Realsense Camera to Unity WiFi streaming
  • measured between LattePanda Alpha and i7-7820HK laptop