

Primary LanguageSwift

7GUIs Tasks

SwiftUI implementation of The 7 Tasks


  1. Counter

Challenge: Understanding the basic ideas of a language/toolkit.

Counter demo

  1. Temperature Converter

Challenges: bidirectional data flow, user-provided text input.

Temperature Converter demo

  1. Flight Booker

Challenge: Constraints.

Flight Booker demo

  1. Timer

Challenges: concurrency, competing user/signal interactions, responsiveness.

Timer demo

  1. CRUD

Challenges: separating the domain and presentation logic, managing mutation, building a non-trivial layout.

CRUD demo

  1. Circle Drawer

Challenges: undo/redo, custom drawing, dialog control*.

Circle Drawer demo

  1. Cells

Challenges: change propagation, widget customization, implementing a more authentic/involved GUI application.

Cells demo

Caveat Emptor. This repository is educational (learning SwiftUI) and does not demonstrate SwiftUI best practices.


Rex Feng 2022 - 2023