
This is my configuration of Qtile, a window manager written in python.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Qtile configuration file

Screenshots 🖥️

Qtile Screenshots

Qtile Screenshots

Qtile Screenshots

What is Qtile?

Qtile is a window manager written and configured in Python🐍. It is hackable and lightweight, you can install it among other desktop environments and standalone WM's.

Installation 🐧

Install Qtile and other dependencies.

For Arch Linux

All software, one command:

yay -S qtile picom rofi nitrogen xorg-server-xephyr lxappearance-gtk3 megasync python-psutil brave-browser alacritty bat playerctl pulseaudio-ctl dunst

The xephyr package is for testing purposes.

Nitrogen help us to set a cool wallpaper since Qtile doesn't have a wallpaper manager by default.

For Debian, Ubuntu

For Debian, Ubuntu and derivates here is the qtile installation guide.


sudo apt install picom rofi xserver-xephyr nitrogen

Cloning the config files 📁

git clone git@github.com:DaniDiazTech/Qtile-Config.git ~/.config/qtile

Testing 🧪

If you want to test the config files without crashing your current qtile instance, type the following commands:

Xephyr -br -ac -noreset -screen 1280x720 :1 &

Once you've done all these steps you should have a cool Qtile instance, but most keybindings won't work, because probably you don´t have the software I use, you could install my software or re-map the keybindings in keybindings.py file.

Startup 🏁

One of the most important functions in the config is the startup function located at the bottom of config.py.

def start_once():
    home = os.path.expanduser('~')
    subprocess.call([home + '/.config/qtile/autostart.sh'])

You can manage the autostart applications editing the autostart.sh file.

#! /bin/bash 
picom --experimental-backend &
nitrogen --restore &

You can setup your Qtile instance quickly using the setup.py file:

python setup.py

Remember to set a wallpaper with nitrogen so every time you boot into Qtile, your wallpaper will be restored.