A sample pet store project using Spring Boot and AngularJS. Users can add/view pets by interacting with a front-end component written using AngularJS, through a RESTful service, and to a local database.
This project is written to work with MS SQL Server 2012 and OracleDB. For other databases, additional dependencies may have to be installed.
Set Up
Under ~/.m2/settings.xml, set the following property variables for your local database. Eg.:
<petstore.test.db.url> jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost:1433/RBC_Archive;instance=SQLEXPRESSTEST </petstore.test.db.url> <db.username>db_username</db.username> <db.password>db_password</db.password>
Run 'npm install' in project root to install the required npm packages.
Run 'mvn spring-boot:run' to start the server-side component.
Run 'gulp serve' to start the front-end component.
To Do
Add intergration test in back-end and unit tests for controllers in front-end.
Refactor stylesheets.
Add authentication/authorization using Spring Security.
Allow users to see a list of all pets and filter them by attributes.