
RimWorld 模组 Salted-Meat-2.0 的汉化包 | Chinese Language pack for RimWorld Mod Salted-Meat-2.0

MIT LicenseMIT

Salted-Meat-2.0-zh | 腌肉与香肠2.0 汉化

RimWorld原版里的食物贮藏手段实在少得可怜,加了腌肉模组就会好很多。初版的腌肉模组在创意工坊有一个完善的汉化包,但2.0版本没有,于是我便动手写了这个汉化包。 | The unmodified RimWorld lacks of methods to preserve foods, Mod Salted-Meat would improve it. There is a nice Chinese language pack in the workshop for the first version of Salted-Meat, but v2.0 did not be localized, so I made this language pack.

About this language pack | 汉化说明

  1. 这只是针对RimWorld 模组 Salted Meat 2.0 编写的汉化包,只包含语言文件,需要原模组作为前置依赖 | It's only a chinese language pack for Salted-Meat-2.0, So orignal mod is marked as dependency, please load below it

  2. 这是我第一次给RimWorld写模组,测试已经没有报错,但有任何问题请提issue告诉我,也欢迎合理批评 | This is the first time for me to write Mod for RimWorld, though it passed my test, I'm looking forward to issues and willing to accept critics;

About Traditional Chinese | 关于繁体中文

我平常惯用简中,所以繁中使用了OpenCC来转换,采用的标准是OpenCC自己的OpenCC标准,如果有任何错误还请包容并指出。 | I use Simplified Chinese in daily life, so Traditional Chinese translation was generated with OpenCC, based on my Simplified Chinese translation . If you find anything wrong, please remind me.

About License | 关于证书

由于原模组没有选定开源证书,而我不太清楚语言包和原模组在证书方面的关系,目前姑且采用MIT,如果未来原模组加入了证书,我再做相应改变。| As the repository of the original Mod was published without License, I temporarily choose MIT License for this repo, so it may be changed to follow the orginal Mod.

Thanks | 感谢