
📨 Simple messenger based on UDP socket broadcast

Primary LanguageC++

📨 QBroadcastMessenger

Messenger which uses UDP boradcast to send messages. The application is developed as university project at Irkutsk National Research Techincal University.


  1. IDEs and plugins used
  2. Installation
  3. Message structure
  4. Settings

IDEs and plugins used


Simply clone it:


To run application you need EMIPLIB library (for calls), which can be build with CMAKE or you can use prebuild libraries (I will put link later). Put libs in C:/ folder (or anywhere you want but don't forget to change path) and then add to your .pro-file following strokes:

INCLUDEPATH += C:\libs\jrtplib\include
INCLUDEPATH += C:\libs\jthread\include
INCLUDEPATH += C:\libs\emiplib\include\emiplib

LIBS += -L"C:\libs\jrtplib\lib" -ljrtp
LIBS += -L"C:\libs\jthread\lib" -ljthread
LIBS += -L"C:\libs\emiplib\lib" -lemiplib
LIBS += -lws2_32

Message structure

QBroadcastMessenger uses the custom message structure described below:

  • When you first appear in the net app sends CONNECT message (sayHi() method in ConnectionManager class) of the given form: EVMp_CONNECT_%username_length%_%username%
  • To notify other apps of you staying connected in the network app sends ALIVE message (ping() method in ConnectionManager class) of the given form: EVMp_ALIVE_%username_length%_%username%
  • To send message to all the clients in the network app sends SENDMESSAGE message (sendMessage() method in ConnectionManager class) of the given form: EVMp_SENDMESSAGE_%message_length%_%message%


Settings file is stored in %APP_DATA%/QBroadcastMessenger folder. File has the following structure:


