
Make it easy to setup a new vagrant instance with LAMP stack and optional WP install

Primary LanguagePuppetMIT LicenseMIT


Make it easy to setup a new vagrant instance with LAMP stack and optional WP install



Download the files and place it in your project root folder. Open up your terminal and cd into your project directory.

LAMP stack only

Run the following command if you only want to setup a LAMP server without installing WordPress: sh vagrantsetup init <dbname> where <dbname> is the name of the database the server creates.

WordPress install

Run the following command for installing the latest version of WordPress and setting it up on Vagrant: sh vagrantsetup WPinit <projectname> where <projectname> is the name of the WordPress installation.

Access your server

When the server is up and running, you can access your server on the IP or on your local network using <your_machine_ip>:8080.

MySQL & PHPMyAdmin

You can access your database using the following credentials: Usernmae: 'root' Password: 'dbadmin' Database: '<dbname | projectname>'

You can access PHPMyAdmin on the ip Log in with the same credentials as MySQL.

Notice this server is a development server and is not intended for production use!