
Echidna, Etheno, and HardHat template for fuzzing complex systems.

Primary LanguageSolidity

Echidna Etheno HardHat Fuzz Template


  • 1. Run Etheno & start saving Blockchain state into init.json
etheno --ganache --ganache-args "--deterministic --gasLimit 10000000" -x contracts/echidna/init.json
  • 2. Update Blockchain state & add it into init.json.
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network localhost
  • 3. Close Etheno (CTRL+C) and finish init.json.

  • 4. Clean the environment, compile contracts, load init.json (in config.yaml) & start fuzzing EchidnaTest.sol.
rm -rf crytic-compile artifacts cache && echidna-test . --contract EchidnaTest --config contracts/echidna/config.yaml