
example using rsocket JS with typescript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Rsocket example


First run the ExampleCli compiled from rsocket-js examples with babel (see section below)

node build/SimpleCli.js --mode server --protocol ws

Install NPM modules:

npm install

Then build the typescript-based client:

npm run build

Finally run it:

node lib/index.js

Expected result on client side:

x@clr-ac6c3d18a1e44dd9af337de503fff7df~/Code/rsocket-typescript-example $ node lib/index.js
                              _             _             _                                                _           _
  _ __   ___    ___     ___  | | __   ___  | |_          | |_   _   _   _ __     ___   ___    ___   _ __  (_)  _ __   | |_
 | '__| / __|  / _ \   / __| | |/ /  / _ \ | __|  _____  | __| | | | | | '_ \   / _ \ / __|  / __| | '__| | | | '_ \  | __|
 | |    \__ \ | (_) | | (__  |   <  |  __/ | |_  |_____| | |_  | |_| | | |_) | |  __/ \__ \ | (__  | |    | | | |_) | | |_
 |_|    |___/  \___/   \___| |_|\_\  \___|  \__|          \__|  \__, | | .__/   \___| |___/  \___| |_|    |_| | .__/   \__|
                                                                |___/  |_|                                    |_|
Client connecting to localhost:8080
Connection status: { kind: 'CONNECTED' }
Requesting stream with payload: undefined
requestStream { data: 'Hi!', metadata: null }
onNext(Hello )

Expected result on server side:

node build/SimpleCli.js --mode server --protocol ws
Server started on
Requesting stream with payload: Hi!
Server got requestStream with payload: data: Hi!,
      metadata: null
onNext(Hello )

Building the rsocket-js examples

The rsocket-js examples don’t seem to provide a way to easily compile the modules. To compile the examples yourself you will need to perform the following steps.

First install babel:

npm install -g babel-cli

Now clone the rsocket-js examples:

git clone git@github.com:rsocket/rsocket-js.git
cd rsocket-js/packages/rsocket-examples/
npm i
npm i yargs --save
echo '{"plugins": ["transform-flow-strip-types","transform-object-rest-spread"], "presets": ["es2015"]}' > .babelrc
npm i babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types --save-dev
npm i babel-preset-es2015 --save-dev
npm i babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread --save-dev
babel ./src --out-dir=./build

You can now run the example as follows:

node build/SimpleCli.js --mode server --protocol ws


  • Make it work as websocket server like the upstream (non-typescript) SimpleCli.js does.