
Rails application for consignments

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Convection is the application that powers our consignments workflow, enabling users to submit works to consign through Artsy partners. For now, it encapsulates logic from rothko-api and rothko-web-public.

Meta CircleCI

Contributing Pull Requests

Convection accepts PRs from branches on the main artsy/convection repo. PRs from forks will not be built in the CI environment and cannot be merged directly.


  • Fork the project to your GitHub account

  • Clone your fork:

    $ git clone git@github.com:your-github-username/convection.git
  • Read and run setup script:

    $ cat bin/setup
    $ bin/setup
  • Populate environment variables

    .env.example contains the keys you'll need to add to your local .env file. Consider using the copy_env utility to populate the values directly from hokusai:

    $ copy_env hokusai


Once setup, you can run the tests like this:

$ bundle exec rake spec
# or
$ hokusai test

Note: the default rake task is setup to run tests and RuboCop.

Did You Change the GraphQL Schema?

If you have changed Convection GraphQL schema, make sure to run:

$ rake graphql:schema:idl

See docs/schema-stitching.md for more.

Starting Server

$ foreman start
# or
$ hokusai dev start

See the Procfile and Hokusai configuration to understand other services launched.


When running in development, this API has a GraphiQL instance at http://localhost:5000/graphiql

See schema stitching for more info about propagating changes through the Artsy application ecosystem.

Creating a Submission

Generate a valid JWT token in a Convection console:

payload = { aud: 'app', sub: '<valid user id>', roles: 'user,admin' }
token = JWT.encode payload, Convection.config.jwt_secret, 'HS256'

Via API:

Use curl to generate a submission with an artist_id (emails will appear in mailtrap).

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d 'artist_id=5059d82a1fc9fa00020008ff' https://convection-staging.artsy.net/api/submissions

Be sure a valid X-Access-Token is set (can be jwt from above) and submit the following GraphQL mutation:

  "input": {
    "artistID": "5059d82a1fc9fa00020008ff"
mutation createConsignmentSubmissionMutation(
  $input: CreateSubmissionMutationInput!
) {
  createConsignmentSubmission(input: $input) {
    consignmentSubmission {
      artist {