This module reads Humidity and Temperature from a Sensirion SHT1x sensor. It has been tested both with an SHT11 and an SHT15.
It is meant to be used in a BeagleBone (Black) and depends on this module (
The module Adafruit_BBIO.GPIO requires root privileges, therefore, to run this module you need to run your script as root.
This a modified Python/BeagleBone port of ( which is port of this library:
Example Usage::
from sht1x.Sht1x import Sht1x as SHT1x
dataPin = 11
clkPin = 7
sht1x = SHT1x(dataPin, clkPin)
temperature = sht1x.read_temperature_C()
humidity = sht1x.read_humidity()
dewPoint = sht1x.calculate_dew_point(temperature, humidity)
print("Temperature: {} Humidity: {} Dew Point: {}".format(temperature, humidity, dewPoint))
v1.2, 31/12/2012 -- Added the possibility to define the GPIO mode (GPIO_BOARD or GPIO_BCM) in the constructor. This is to make sure that this library plays nicely with other libraries that might rely on a specific mode. If no mode is provided, the constructor will default to the GPIO_BOARD mode. Thanks to Daniël van Eeden for suggestiong this improvement.
v1.1, 26/10/2012 -- Added WaitingSht1x, dew point calculation and using v4 constants. WaitingSht1x makes sure that no more than a query per second is performed on the sensor. This is in order to prevent the sensor from heating and skewing the temperature readings.
v1.0, 7/10/2012 -- Initial release.