
This is a quick sample showing how you can deploy Kubernetes on Azure with Azure Log analytics all from terraform

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Kubernetes on Azure using Terraform

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This project aims to show a simple example of how you can setup a fully featured k8s cluster on Azure using terraform.

What does it create?

The main.tf deploys a resourcegroup in which an aks cluster, log analytics workspace, managed redis cache and a container monitoring solution are added.

Then the connection details from the redis and the log analytics workspace are injected into the Kuberentes cluster as Secrets and a Deamonset is created to host the container monitoring solution agent.


Required Tooling

  • Terraform
  • Azure CLI
  • Community Kubernetes provider v1.0.7

Note: Currently the Hashicorp maintained k8s provider is missing some k8s resource types, such as Daemon-Sets, luckily there is a fork maintained with these additional resources. In future, once the hashicorp provider is updated, this requirement can be dropped.


  1. Login to the Azure CLI az login
  2. Clone this repository and cd into the directory
  3. Create a service principal for az ad sp create-for-rbac --skip-assignment How-to here
  4. Create a varaibles.tfvars file and add your service principal clientid and clientsecret as variables. Also add an ssh key and username for logging into k8s agent nodes.
client_id = "2f61810e-7f8d-49fd-8c0e-c4ffake51f9f"

client_secret = "57f8b670-012d-42b2-a0f8-c3fakee239ad"

linux_admin_username = ""

linux_admin_ssh_publickey = "ssh-rsa AAAasdfasdc2EasdfasdfAAABAQC+b42lMQef/l5D8c7kcNZNf6m37bdfITpUVcfakerFT/UAWAjym5rxda0PwdkasdfasdfasdfasdfVspDGCYWvHpa3M9UMM6cgdlq+R4ISif4W04yeOmjkRR5j9pcasdfasdfasdfW6PJcgw7IyWIWSONYCSNK6Tk5Yki3N+nAvIxU34+YxPTOpRw42w1AcuorsomethinglikethisnO15SGqFhNagUP/wV/18fvwENt3hsukiBmZ21aP8YqoFWuBg3 james@something"
  1. Download the Kuberentes provider by running boostrap_linux.sh (or mac, windows)
  2. Run terraform init then terraform plan -var-file=variables.tfvars to see what will be created... finally if it looks good run terraform apply -var-file=variables.tfvars to create your cluster


  1. Why haven't you used modules to organize the template? We'd suggest using them but to keep things simple, and easy readable for those new to Terraform, we haven't included them.

  2. I receive the error Error: kubernetes_daemonset.container_agent: Provider doesn't support resource: kubernetes_daemonset: Delete the .terraform folder from the directory then make sure you have downloaded the community edition of the kubernetes provider and it is named correctly stored in the current directory.

  3. I receive the error * provider.azurerm: No valid (unexpired) Azure CLI Auth Tokens found. Please run az login.: Run any az command which talks to Azure and it will update the token. For example run az group list then retry the Terraform command.