Bahmni Sync Development Environment setup


  • Oracle JDK 8
  • OpenMRS SDK
  • Docker is installed and running.

Setting up Debezium

Using Debezium requires three separate services: ZooKeeper, Kafka, and the Debezium connector service. You will set up a single instance of each service using Docker and the Debezium container images.

Starting Zookeeper

docker run -d --name zookeeper -p 2181:2181 jplock/zookeeper

Starting Kafka

docker run -d --name kafka -p 9092:9092 -e KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME=<private-ip> -e ZOOKEEPER_IP=<private-ip> ches/kafka
  • replace with your system's private IP

Starting a MySQL database

At this point, you have started ZooKeeper and Kafka, but you still need a database server from which Debezium can capture changes.

docker run -d --name mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=debezium -e MYSQL_USER=mysqluser -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=mysqlpw debezium/example-mysql
  • -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=debezium -e MYSQL_USER=mysqluser -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=mysqlpw

    • Creates a user and password that has the minimum privileges required by the Debezium MySQL connector.
  • Unzip and import openmrs db to the just started mysql server

binglog is already enabled for the debzium mysql docker used above. Incase you are using different mysql server you would need to enable binlog yourselves. Follow instructions here to enable it.

Starting Kafka Connect

  docker run -d --name connect -p 8083:8083 -e GROUP_ID=1 -e CONFIG_STORAGE_TOPIC=my_connect_configs -e OFFSET_STORAGE_TOPIC=my_connect_offsets -e STATUS_STORAGE_TOPIC=my_connect_statuses --link zookeeper:zookeeper --link kafka:kafka --link mysql:mysql --link mysql:mysql debezium/connect

Registering a connector to monitor the openmrs database

Open a new terminal, and use the curl command to register the Debezium MySQL connector.

  $ curl -i -X POST -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" localhost:8083/connectors/ -d '{ "name": "openmrs-connector", "config": { "connector.class": "io.debezium.connector.mysql.MySqlConnector", "tasks.max": "1", "database.hostname": "mysql", "database.port": "3306", "database.user": "debezium", "database.password": "dbz", "": "184054", "": "dbserver1", "database.include.list": "inventory", "database.history.kafka.bootstrap.servers": "kafka:9092", "database.history.kafka.topic": "dbhistory.inventory" } }'

or make a POST call through postman



  "name": "openmrs-connector",  
  "config": {  
    "connector.class": "io.debezium.connector.mysql.MySqlConnector",
    "tasks.max": "1",  
    "database.hostname": "mysql",  
    "database.port": "3306",
    "database.user": "debezium",
    "database.password": "dbz",
    "": "184054",  
    "": "dbserver1",  
    "database.include.list": "inventory",  
    "database.history.kafka.bootstrap.servers": "kafka:9092",  
    "database.history.kafka.topic": "schema-changes.inventory"  

For more details see Debezium Tutorial here

Setting up OpenMRS SDK Dev Environment

To Setup the OpenMRS Server for the Developement follow instructions here

Clone project on your system. Let's build, deploy and run the module on the server. From the project directory:

 mvn clean install openmrs-sdk:run

Repeat for both projects. You will need to create two different server for each project.

Setting up Required Global Properties in OpenMRS

Both modules have a configuration page that needs to be completed before you can use it for the syncing purposes.

Worker Module Properties

Property name Description Default Worker ID, should be be unique among all the nodes synchronizing to master -
bahmnisyncworker.master.url Master url for data sync -
bahmnisyncworker.kafka.url Kafka Server url localhost:9092
bahmnisyncworker.sync.chunk.size Maximum number of changes per request 2 Database Server Name dbserver1 OpenMRS Schema Name openmrs
bahmnisyncworker.master.node.user Bahmni Sync Master Node username with Bahmni Sync privileges superman
bahmnisyncworker.master.node.password Bahmni Sync Master Node password Admin123

Master Module Properties

Property name Description Default
bahmnisyncmaster.kafka.url Kafka Server url localhost:9092 Database Server Name dbserver1 OpenMRS Schema Name openmrs
bahmnisyncmaster.conflict.resolution.rule options: latest date_updated, earliest date_updated, master always, worker always latest date_updated

User privileges Required

  • Manage Bahmni Sync