
provides fast in-memory vxl access

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


  • read n' write Ace of Spades map files easily and fast
  • compressed internal format derived from .vxl
  • supports enhanced features for special cases:
    • floating block detection
    • get top layer block, useful for map overviews

All functions use voxlap's coordinate system:



//create map from v pointer
struct libvxl_map m;

//get color at position (x,y,z)
int col = libvxl_map_get(&m,x,y,z);

//check if block is solid at (x,y,z)
int solid = libvxl_map_issolid(&m,x,y,z);

//free map after use

API functions

//Load a map from memory or create an empty one
void libvxl_create(struct libvxl_map* map, int w, int h, int d, const void* data);
//Write a map to disk, uses libvxl_write() internally
void libvxl_writefile(struct libvxl_map* map, char* name);
//Compress the map back to vxl format and save it in out, the total byte size will be written to size
void libvxl_write(struct libvxl_map* map, void* out, int* size);
//Tells if a block is solid at location [x,y,z]
int libvxl_map_issolid(struct libvxl_map* map, int x, int y, int z);
//Tells if a block is visible on the surface, meaning it is exposed to air
int libvxl_map_onsurface(struct libvxl_map* map, int x, int y, int z);
//Read block color
int libvxl_map_get(struct libvxl_map* map, int x, int y, int z);
//Read color of topmost block (as seen from above at Z=0)
void libvxl_map_gettop(struct libvxl_map* map, int x, int y, int* result);
//Set block at location [x,y,z] to a new color
void libvxl_map_set(struct libvxl_map* map, int x, int y, int z, int color);
//Set location [x,y,z] to air, will destroy any block at this position
void libvxl_map_setair(struct libvxl_map* map, int x, int y, int z);
//Free a map from memory
void libvxl_free(struct libvxl_map* map);