Backup and Restore SDK BOSH release

The Backup and Restore SDK BOSH release is used for two distinct things:

  1. enabling release authors to incorporate database backup & restore functionality in their releases (See Database Backup and Restore)
  2. enabling operators to configure their deployments which use external blobstores to be backed up and restored by BBR (See Blobstore Backup and Restore)

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CI Status

Backup and Restore SDK Release status Build SDK Release Badge

Database Backup and Restore

Name Versions Status
MariaDB 10.2.x MariaDB Badge MariaDB Badge
MySQL 5.7.x, 8.0.x MySQL Badge (GCP) MySQL Badge (AWS RDS)
Postgres 9.4.x, 9.6.x, 10.x, 11.x Postgres Badge

Blobstore Backup and Restore

Supported Blobstores

Name Status
S3-Compatible S3 Badge
Azure Azure Badge
Google Cloud Storage GCS Badge


This repository using develop as the main branch, tested releases are tagged with their versions, and master branch represents the latest release.