#!/bin/sh # step 1 git clone https://github.com/xtremerui/nvim-config.git ~/.config/nvim --recursive # there is no step 2 cat <<EOF cheatsheet: normal mode: <Enter> - save <Space> - reset search highlight <C-hjkl> - faster window switching <C-c> - add cursor at position <C-d> - add cursor selecting current word, move to next occurrence <C-d> - add cursor selecting visual range, move to next occurrence ,x - add cursor selecting given command (i.e. ,x$ to end of line) <Esc> - deselect all cursor selections ,u - toggle undo tree ,cc - fuzzy execute coc command ,cd - fuzzy select diagnostics ,ce - fuzzy list installed coc extensions ,cf - fuzzy find file (i.e. ctrl+p) ,cg - fuzzy grep across all files ,cm - fuzzy find most-recently-used file ,co - fuzzy find symbol across workspace ,co - fuzzy find symbol in open file ,cp - reopen last fuzzy pane ,cG - grep across workspace (i.e. Ag/Ack/Rg); opens pane with each occurrence editable with multi-cursors [c - previous diagnostic ]c - next diagnostic ,rn - rename function/var/etc :Format - reformat current file :OR - organize imports insert mode: jk - <esc> kj - <esc> EOF