
Huawei In-App Purchase Server Tools

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Huawei In-App Purchase (IAP) Server Tools

A set of server tools that allows you to check products purchased by the user in the application.

Install from NPM:

npm i hiap --save

Use in your code:

const HIAP = require("hiap");
const hiap = new HIAP({
    "authURL": "https://oauth-login.cloud.huawei.com/oauth2/v2/token",
    "ordersURL": "https://orders-drru.iap.hicloud.com",
    "clientId": "123456789",
    "clientSecret": "secret key string",
    "publicKey": "public key string"
const token = hiap.getAppAccessToken();

Methods available:

  • async getAppAccessToken()
  • verifyPurchaseData(data, signature)
  • async verifyProduct(productId, purchaseToken, repeat = false)
  • async getCancelledProducts(startAt = parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000, 10) - 2592000, maxRows = 1000, continuationToken, type = 0, repeat)


Method is async.

This method is used to obtain an authorization token from the Huawei server.


  • No parameters


  • A token string when operation is successful, error otherwise.


The method is used to verify the received purchase data and the corresponding signature.

Parameters (all parameters are mandatory):

  • data is a data string to verify
  • signature is a signature string received on purchase


  • Either true or false


The method is used to check the availability of purchase data on the Huawei side. Method is async.

Parameters (all parameters are mandatory):

  • productId is a string which indicates the desired Product ID
  • purchaseToken is a purchase token string received from Huawei side


  • Objects which includes the purchaseTokenData if successful, error otherwise
  • More information: Huawei Developers


The method is used to get a list of canceled purchases. Method is async.

Parameters (all parameters are optional):

  • startAt is a Timestamp (UTC) of the earliest canceled or refunded purchase that you want to query; if continuationToken is passed, startAt is ignored; the default value is the current timestamp minus 1 month
  • maxRows is a maximum number of query result records, the value is greater than 0; the default value and the maximum value are 1000
  • type is a query type (0 = query purchase information about consumables and non-consumables, 1 = query information about consumables, non-consumables, and subscriptions); ignored when continuationToken is passed
  • continuationToken is a token returned in the last query to query the data on the next page


  • Objects which includes the cancelledPurchaseList array if successful, error otherwise
  • If the token continuationToken is returned, another query is required
  • More information: Huawei Developers