
MPI program for cross-multiplying a matrix by a vector in parallel.

Primary LanguageC++


MPI program for cross-multiplying a matrix by a vector in parallel.
In The folder:
MPIVMM.cpp #The program code using MPI collective communication functions.
MPIVMMP2P.cpp #The program code using MPI point-to-point communication functions.
matrix.txt #4x4 input matrix.
matrix_16.txt #16x16 input matrix.
vector.txt #4 input vector.
vector_16.txt #16 input vector.
vector_matrix_result.txt #4x4 output matrix if the default files were used.
vector_matrix_result_16.txt #16x16 output matrix if the default files were used.

#How To Use:
1-Start by changing the N_DIM definition in the code to the wanted matrix dimensions.
2-replace the matrix file and change the name of the file in "the read_mat_from_file()" function.
3-compile the program using MPIC++ "C++ file".
4-use mpiexec -n [Multiple of matrix dimensions] executable_file_name.