
Ansible role for creating website kiosk out of ubuntu/debian server with a light stack of X and openbox

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Ansible Role Build Status

Ansible role: kiosk

Creates a chromium website kiosk out of ubuntu server with a very light stack of X and openbox. Essentially, it creates two separate systemd services: one for running x environment (startx), and one for running chromium. Chromium is restarted upon exiting. Both services also start on boot. Adapted for touch screen interactivity.


  • a clean installation of ubuntu server (tested with 16.04, 17.04, 18.04)


Role can be installed via ansible-galaxy or via cloning this repository into roles/. For more info, see: https://galaxy.ansible.com/xtrinch/kiosk/

Role Variables

website_url: "http://www.google.com"
kiosk_user: test

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
     - { role: xtrinch.kiosk, kiosk_user: test, website_url: "http://www.google.com" }
