
:speech_balloon: Easily create Local Notifications in swift - Wrapper of UserNotifications Framework

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Swift Version Swift Package Manager CocoaPods Compatible Platform Build Status License

In IOS 10, apple updated their library for Notifications and separated Local and push notifications to a new framework:

User Notifications

This library makes it easy to setup a local notification and also includes easy configuration for repeating notifications using [ .None, .Minute, .Hourly, .Daily, .Monthly, .Yearly] .

It also includes all the new features, including inserting attachments and changing the launch image of a notification.

  1. Features
  2. Requirements
  3. Installation
  4. Usage
  5. Contribute


  • Easily Repeat Notifications
  • Location Based Notifications
  • Category Action buttons
  • Queue to enforce 64 notification limit


  • iOS 10.0+
  • Xcode 8.0+



You can use CocoaPods to install DLLocalNotifications by adding it to your Podfile:

platform :ios, '10.0'

target 'MyApp' do
	pod 'DLLocalNotifications'

Note: your iOS deployment target must be 10.0+


Single fire notification (any date)

Notification that fires once at the date time inputted

Note: If you want the notification to repeat then you need to create a notification based on date components

// The date you would like the notification to fire at
let triggerDate = Date().addingTimeInterval(300)

let firstNotification = DLNotification(identifier: "firstNotification", alertTitle: "Notification Alert", alertBody: "You have successfully created a notification", date: triggerDate)

let scheduler = DLNotificationScheduler()
scheduler.scheduleNotification(notification: firstNotification)

Repeating Notification based on date components

The configuration of the repetition is chosen in the repeats parameter that can be [ .none, .minute, .hourly, .daily, .monthly, .yearly] .

// The date you would like the notification to fire at :35 mins every hour

var dateComponents = DateComponents()
dateComponents.minute = 35
dateComponents.second = 0

let firstNotification = DLNotification(identifier: "hourlyNotification", alertTitle: "Notification Alert", alertBody: "You have successfully created a notification", fromDateComponents: dateComponents, repeatInterval: .hourly)

let scheduler = DLNotificationScheduler()
scheduler.scheduleNotification(notification: firstNotification)

Notification that repeats from one Date to another with a time interval period

This is useful to setup notifications to repeat every specific time interval for in a specific time period of the day.

let scheduler = DLNotificationScheduler()

// This notification repeats every 15 seconds from a time period starting from 15 seconds from the current time till 5 minutes from the current time

scheduler.repeatsFromToDate(identifier: "First Notification", alertTitle: "Multiple Notifications", alertBody: "Progress", fromDate: Date().addingTimeInterval(15), toDate: Date().addingTimeInterval(300) , interval: 15, repeats: .none )

Note: Since this library takes care of the 64 notification limit you would want to call scheduler.scheduleAllNotifications() in your AppDelegate file as well.

Modifying elements of the notification

You can modify elements of the notification before scheduling. Publically accessible variables include:

repeatInterval, alertBody, alertTitle, soundName, fireDate, attachments, launchImageName, category

let firstNotification = DLNotification(identifier: "firstNotification", alertTitle: "Notification Alert", alertBody: "You have successfully created a notification", date: Date(), repeats: .minute)

// You can now change the repeat interval here
firstNotification.repeatInterval = .yearly

// You can add a launch image name
firstNotification.launchImageName = "Hello.png"

let scheduler = DLNotificationScheduler()
scheduler.scheduleNotification(notification: firstNotification)

Location Based Notification

The notification is triggered when a user enters a geo-fenced area.

let center = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 37.335400, longitude: -122.009201)
let region = CLCircularRegion(center: center, radius: 2000.0, identifier: "Headquarters")
region.notifyOnEntry = true
region.notifyOnExit = false

let locationNotification = DLNotification(identifier: "LocationNotification", alertTitle: "Notification Alert", alertBody: "You have reached work", region: region )

let scheduler = DLNotificationScheduler()
scheduler.scheduleNotification(notification: locationNotification)

Adding action buttons to a notification

 let scheduler = DLNotificationScheduler()

 let standingCategory = DLCategory(categoryIdentifier: "standingReminder")

 standingCategory.addActionButton(identifier: "willStand", title: "Ok, got it")
 standingCategory.addActionButton(identifier: "willNotStand", title: "Cannot")

 scheduler.scheduleCategories(categories: [standingCategory])

Don't forget to the set the notification category before scheduling the notification using

notification.category = "standingReminder"

Cancelling a notification

 scheduler.cancelNotification(notification: notification)


We would love for you to contribute to DLLocalNotifications, check the LICENSE file for more info.


Devesh Laungani – @d7laungani

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information


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