
github issue manager

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node Project

About the project

The template is used to create nodejs project. All nodejs projects must follow the conventions in the template. Calling for exceptions must be brought up in the cweb team.

Getting started

Below we describe the conventions or tools specific to golang project.


├── .github
├── Jenkinsfile
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── app.js
├── bin
│   └── www.js
├── build
│   └── node-project
│       └── Dockerfile
├── configs
│   ├── README.md
│   └── runtime.json
├── controllers
│   └── site.js
├── docs
│   └── README.md
├── gulp
│   └── build.js
├── i18n
│   └── index.js
├── lib
│   ├── logger.js
│   └── util.js
├── models
│   └── README.md
├── package.json
├── public
│   ├── ejs
│   │   └── index.ejs
│   └── src
│       ├── img
│       │   └── favicon.ico
│       ├── js
│       │   └── index.js
│       └── less
│           └── index.less
├── routes
│   └── index.js
├── scripts
│   ├── README.md
├── test
│   └── README.md
└── webpack
    ├── dev.js
    ├── dll.js
    └── prod.js

A brief description of the layout:

  • .github has two template files for creating PR and issue. Please see the files for more details.
  • .gitignore varies per project, but all projects need to ignore node_modules directory.
  • .babelrc config of babel.
  • .eslintrc config of eslint.
  • .eslintigore config of eslintignore. ignore built files.
  • Makefile is used to build the project.
  • Dockerfile is used to build docker image.
  • CHANGELOG.md contains auto-generated changelog information.
  • CODEOWNERS contains owners of the project.
  • README.md is a detailed description of the project.
  • build dockerfile here
  • bin only one file: www.js
  • app.js index of the project
  • controllers controller of nodejs
  • configs runtime or other config
  • models define models for database
  • docs for project documentations.
  • lib library for the project.
  • i18n i18n for the project.
  • test holds all tests (include unit tests).
  • public for all static file, e.g. js, img, css.
  • routes contains all route.
  • scripts contains all .sh file
  • gulp gulpfile here.
  • webpack webpack config, contains dev and prod.


  • Nodejs v8
  • Express v4
  • Webpack v2
  • Gulp
  • EsLint
  • Prettier


  • EsLint, Prettier
  • You can’t commit if there is any error in the staged files.


  • npm run watch,support es6, react。
  • it will build runtime.json in configs, when npm run watch or build
  • start nodejs server
    • dev:npm run start:dev
    • online:npm run start
    • listen on port 3000


  • make release VERSION=${TAG}


  • npm run watch
  • npm run start:dev
  • npm run watch:all
  • npm run build
  • npm run start
  • make lint
  • make doctoc
  • make container VERSION=${TAG}
  • make push VERSION=${TAG}