
a reactive, declarative menu component :mount_fuji:

MIT LicenseMIT


a reactive, declarative menu component 🗻

Table of Contents


Sample Code

  position={{ top: '32px' }}
  <MenuSection title="first section">
    <MenuItem title="Create New Group" isSubmenu>
      <Menu horizontal submenu>
        <MenuSection title="first submenu">
          <MenuItem title="This Not A Submenu" />
          <MenuItem title="This Is In A Submenu" isSubmenu>
            <Menu horizontal submenu>
              <MenuSection title="second submenu">
                <MenuItem title="This Is In Submenu Two" to="/frontend/login" />
    <MenuItem title="This Is Disabled" disabled />
  <MenuSection title="create a new thing">
    <MenuItem title="This Has An Icon" icon={<UserSettingsIcon />} />
    <MenuItem title="Clickable Submenu" icon={<LockIcon />} isSubmenu clickToExpand>
      <Menu horizontal submenu>
        <MenuSection title="first section" />
  <MenuSection title="search by title" isSearch searchSettings="Search for a name">
    <MenuItem title="Search For Me" key="a" icon={<PlusIcon />} disabled />
    <MenuItem title="Search For Me" key="b" icon={<PlusIcon />} />

Why makalu?

makalu uses only three components to generate dynamic and nested dropdown menus: Menu, MenuSection, and Menu.

It then wraps these components in an intuitive and hassle-free syntax, with individual items that can handle any functionality. 🚁

The source code uses a modern stack, including emotion for styling.



The highest level wrapper, containing various MenuSection and MenuItem components. It is also used to nest submenus, further explained in MenuItem.

Props Type Description
horizontal boolean Determines alignment of menu
position Object {top: number, left: number} Determines absolute position of upper-left corner (only necessary for outermost Menu)
isOpen boolean Menu is visible only if true
onMenuClose function User-defined function for closing Menu, e.g. setting isOpen to false somehow


Partitions a Menu component into organizational sections and can contain MenuItem component(s). MenuSection also comes with a search feature to filter contained MenuItem components by their key prop.

Props Type Description
title string Determines section header
isSearch boolean Initializes current MenuSection to have a search filter if true
searchSettings string Determines placeholder text in the search bar, if MenuSection has isSearch equal to true
searchKey string Determines attribute by which to search for, e.g. key or id (defaults to title), if MenuSection has isSearch equal to true
caseSensitive boolean Determines whether or not search is case sensitive (defaults to true)


An individual item in a Menu. Generally, it displays a title and/or icon, but custom JSX can also be injected via the render prop. Upon being clicked, a MenuItem may either redirect to another route, generate a submenu, or perform a custom onClick function

Props Type Description
title string Determines main text
icon JSX Determines icon to be displayed alongside title
render function Can be used to render custom children inside the MenuItem. See here for more information
disabled boolean Makes MenuItem unclickable and visibly unavailable if true
isSubmenu boolean If true, MenuItem will render a child Menu component to its right when clicked (cannot be true with to and onClick)
clickToExpand boolean If MenuItem is a submenu and this is true, clicking, rather than hovering, will expand submenus
to string If defined, MenuItem will redirect to the given route when clicked (cannot be defined with isSubmenu and onClick)
onClick function If defined, MenuItem will perform the given function when clicked (cannot be defined with isSubmenu and to)