
An index of my courseworks; BSc AI & CS @ UoS; MSc ACS @ UoS

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Coursework Index (UG)

  • COM1001 Introduction to Software Engineering (ACADEMIC YEAR 2018~19)
    • Twaxi (Confidential)
  • COM1002 Foundations of Computer Science (ACADEMIC YEAR 2018~19)
  • COM1003 Java Programming (ACADEMIC YEAR 2018~19)
  • COM1005 Machines and Intelligence (ACADEMIC YEAR 2018~19)
  • COM1008 Web and Internet Technology (AUTUMN 2018~19)
  • COM1009 Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures (SPRING 2018~19)
  • COM2004 Data Driven Computing (AUTUMN 2019~20)
  • COM2008 Systems Design and Security (AUTUMN 2019~20)
  • COM2009 Robotics (SPRING 2019~20)
  • COM2107 Logic in Computer Science (SPRING 2019~20)
  • COM2108 Functional Programming (AUTUMN 2019~20)
  • COM2109 Automata, Computation and Complexity (ACADEMIC YEAR 2019~20)
  • PSY2002 Cognitive Psychology II (ACADEMIC YEAR 2019~20)
  • COM3110 Text Processing (AUTUMN 2020~21)
  • COM3240 Adaptive Intelligence (SPRING 2020~21)
  • COM3420 Software Hut (SPRING 2020~21)
    • University Vendor Management System (Confidential)
  • COM3502 Speech Processing (AUTUMN 2020~21)
  • COM3504 The Intelligent Web (SPRING 2020~21)
  • COM3524 Bioinspired Computing (AUTUMN 2020~21)
  • COM3610 Dissertation Project (ACADEMIC YEAR 2020~21)
    • A Hybrid Approach for Speech Synthesis (Confidential; Will be avaliable at here)
  • MGT388 Finance and Law for Engineers (AUTUMN 2020~21)

Coursework Index (PG)