A self-hosted Dynamic DNS solution based on *Bind 9*, including server and client implementations.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A self-hosted Dynamic DNS solution based on Bind 9, including server and client implementations.


  • HTTP API for DNS record update
  • Automatic email notification
  • Minimalism


  • Bind 9 (on server)
    • providing DNS query responds
    • including nsupdate for NS records updating
  • Caddy (on server)
    • providing TLS and HTTP authorization
  • Python 3 (on client)
    • providing client runtime
  • Email account with SMTP support
    • for Email notification


Files - Server

  • /usr/local/lib/ddns-api-server/DDNS-API-Server
  • /etc/systemd/system/ddns-api-server.service
  • /etc/caddy/Caddyfile
  • /var/log/ddns-api-server/server.log

Files - Client

  • /usr/local/lib/ddns/*.py
  • /etc/systemd/system/ddns.service
  • /var/log/ddns.log

Configure Server

  1. Configure hostname (api.example.com) for API endpoint in file Caddyfile
  2. Configure authorization (basicauth) for API endpoint in file Caddyfile
  3. Configure static DNS records and Bind 9 as required (see example)
  4. Start services
    • sudo systemctl start bind9
    • sudo systemctl start caddy
    • sudo systemctl start ddns-api-server

Configure Client

  1. Configure API endpoint for DDNS in file ddns_api.py
    • USER
    • PASS
  2. Configure API endpoint for IP checking in file ns.py
  3. Configure email notification in file email_notification.py
  4. Configure hostname of the client (domain name to update) in file main.py
  5. Setup runtime environment in directory /usr/local/lib/ddns/.env
    • sudo bash
      cd /usr/local/lib/ddns
      python -m venv .env
      source .env/bin/activate
      pip install requests
  6. Feel free to modify the script as required
  7. Start the service
    • sudo systemctl start ddns

Example: Setup DNS and Bind 9

  • For example, we have:
    • a server host with static IP address: x.y.z.w
    • a client host with dynamic IP address
    • a domain name: example.com
  • We want:
    • bind hostname dyn-1.example.com or xxx.dyn-1.example.com dynamically to the client host
  • We need:
    • Add a few DNS records to the domain registrar in zone example.com
      Host name Type TTL Data Comment
      api.example.com A 3600 x.y.z.w API server
      ns1.example.com A 3600 x.y.z.w Self-hosted NS server
      ns2.example.com A 3600 x.y.z.w Self-hosted NS server
      dyn-1.example.com NS 86400 ns1.example.com. Delegating sub domain to self-hosted NS server
      dyn-1.example.com NS 86400 ns2.example.com. Delegating sub domain to self-hosted NS server
    • Edit options section in file /etc/bind/named.conf.options
      options {
      	allow-query { any; };
      	recursion no;
      	listen-on { any; };
      	listen-on-v6 { any; };
    • Add a zone section for zone dyn-1.example.com in file /etc/bind/named.conf.local
      zone "dyn-1.example.com." {
      	type master;
      	file "/var/lib/bind/dyn-1.example.com.zone";
      	update-policy local;
    • Create a zone file for zone dyn-1.example.com in file /var/lib/bind/dyn-1.example.com.zone
      $ORIGIN dyn-1.example.com.
      @       3600    IN      SOA     ns1.dyn-1.example.com. admin.dyn-1.example.com. (2023021101 14400 3600 604800 300)
      @       86400   IN      NS      ns1.dyn-1.example.com.
      @       86400   IN      NS      ns2.dyn-1.example.com.
      ns1     3600    IN      A
      ns2     3600    IN      A
    • Verify config and zone
      named-checkzone dyn-1.example.com /var/lib/bind/dyn-1.example.com.zone

Example of Logs

Client Logs

  • Run tail -f /var/log/ddns.log on client
[2023-02-12 07:12:57,312] [INFO] Fetching IP...
[2023-02-12 07:12:57,318] [DEBUG] Starting new HTTPS connection (1): api.example.com:443
[2023-02-12 07:12:58,244] [DEBUG] https://api.example.com:443 "GET /ip HTTP/1.1" 200 14
[2023-02-12 07:12:58,251] [INFO]     a.b.c.d
[2023-02-12 07:12:58,253] [INFO] Resolving IP...
[2023-02-12 07:12:58,789] [WARNING] Cannot resolve hostname.
[Errno -5] No address associated with hostname
[2023-02-12 07:12:58,790] [INFO]     None
[2023-02-12 07:12:58,791] [INFO] Updating DNS record...
[2023-02-12 07:12:58,796] [DEBUG] Starting new HTTPS connection (1): api.example.com:443
[2023-02-12 07:13:04,267] [DEBUG] https://api.example.com:443 "POST /ddns/update HTTP/1.1" 200 148
[2023-02-12 07:13:04,274] [INFO] Posting notification...
[2023-02-12 07:13:07,119] [INFO] Updating complete.
[2023-02-12 07:18:07,220] [INFO] Fetching IP...
[2023-02-12 07:18:07,225] [DEBUG] Starting new HTTPS connection (1): api.example.com:443
[2023-02-12 07:18:07,898] [DEBUG] https://api.example.com:443 "GET /ip HTTP/1.1" 200 14
[2023-02-12 07:18:07,904] [INFO]     a.b.c.d
[2023-02-12 07:18:07,906] [INFO] Resolving IP...
[2023-02-12 07:18:08,225] [INFO]     a.b.c.d
[2023-02-12 07:18:08,226] [INFO] Identical. Skip.
[2023-02-12 07:23:08,327] [INFO] Fetching IP...
[2023-02-12 07:23:08,332] [DEBUG] Starting new HTTPS connection (1): api.example.com:443
[2023-02-12 07:23:09,040] [DEBUG] https://api.example.com:443 "GET /ip HTTP/1.1" 200 14
[2023-02-12 07:23:09,045] [INFO]     e.f.g.h
[2023-02-12 07:23:09,047] [INFO] Resolving IP...
[2023-02-12 07:23:09,358] [INFO]     a.b.c.d
[2023-02-12 07:23:09,359] [INFO] Updating DNS record...
[2023-02-12 07:23:09,363] [DEBUG] Starting new HTTPS connection (1): api.example.com:443
[2023-02-12 07:23:10,028] [DEBUG] https://api.example.com:443 "POST /ddns/update HTTP/1.1" 200 148
[2023-02-12 07:23:10,035] [INFO] Posting notification...
[2023-02-12 07:23:12,694] [INFO] Updating complete.
[2023-02-12 07:28:12,795] [INFO] Fetching IP...
[2023-02-12 07:28:12,800] [DEBUG] Starting new HTTPS connection (1): api.example.com:443
[2023-02-12 07:28:13,444] [DEBUG] https://api.example.com:443 "GET /ip HTTP/1.1" 200 14
[2023-02-12 07:28:13,451] [INFO]     e.f.g.h
[2023-02-12 07:28:13,453] [INFO] Resolving IP...
[2023-02-12 07:28:13,766] [INFO]     e.f.g.h
[2023-02-12 07:28:13,766] [INFO] Identical. Skip.

Server Logs

  • Run tail -f /var/log/ddns-api-server/server.log on server
[02/11/2023 23:13:03] [Info] [Request] a.b.c.d, (POST) http://api.example.com/
[02/11/2023 23:13:04] [Info] [Action] update delete dyn-1.example.com A
[02/11/2023 23:13:04] [Info] [Action] update add dyn-1.example.com 1 A a.b.c.d
[02/11/2023 23:13:04] [Info] [Action] send
[02/11/2023 23:13:04] [Info] [Action] quit
[02/11/2023 23:23:09] [Info] [Request] e.f.g.h, (POST) http://api.example.com/
[02/11/2023 23:23:09] [Info] [Action] update delete dyn-1.example.com A
[02/11/2023 23:23:09] [Info] [Action] update add dyn-1.example.com 1 A e.f.g.h
[02/11/2023 23:23:09] [Info] [Action] send
[02/11/2023 23:23:09] [Info] [Action] quit