
Simple label petri-net construction and visualize, built as an assignment.

Primary LanguagePython


This is the implementation of petri net for our assignment.

Visit here to get our code in github.

This assignment is separated into 6 files:

  • net.py contains all neccessary implementation classes to visualize the simple petri net.
  • asm1b_i.py constructs the Specialist petri net s_net and visualize desired transition system.
  • asm1b_ii.py uses s_net from asm1b_i.py to tackle the problem.
  • asm2.py constructs the Patient petri net p_net.
  • asm3.py merges s_net and p_net into the superimposed (merge) petri net m_net
  • asm4.py uses m_net and find reachable marking by firing one transition once.

Some packages are required for some actions:

  • Visualize the petri net: graphviz
    • Install pydot, pydotplus, pydot, pydot-ng: pip install pydot, pip install pydotplus, pip install pydot-ng.
    • Access this link and download the latest 32-bit Windows install package.
    • Add C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz\bin to user environment path. Click here to know more about it.
    • Add C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz\bin\dot.exe to system environment path.
    • Install graphviz: pip install graphviz. Restart computer to be enabled to use.
  • Organizing graphical files and folders: os, shutil
    • Install os: pip install os
    • Install shutil: pip install shutil