
try AutoIP + spectral-kernel to modelthe high-freq solution of dynamics

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


  • classical Horseshoe - will lead to very small weight, then near-zero kernel

    • solution: only use local scaler + softmax + block-diag (ensire K is diag)

    • works well on low freq ( 50 scale + sin(pi x) ), but not on x2 + sinx

      • always result in all average weights (1/Q)
    • to be test:

      • full cov +only local scaler + softmax?
  • whiting trick (not use log-det term in loss)

    • help convergence on low freq ( 50 scale + sin(pi x) ),
    • not help (even hard) other case
  • real whiting trick + VI