
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Qzgl6P9cNUejpLUx-ivtGDouEj2i82tKl3jF-sBwdbU/edit?usp=sharing

Missing value imputation-R: https://github.com/IQSS/amelia & https://gking.harvard.edu/amelia

Missing value imputation-sklearn:https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/impute.html



  • add justifications for the threshold of the missing value ratio

  • 2024/4/18-5/30:

    • add variables: VCF0006a” or “Unique Respondent Number (Cross-year ID for panel cases), voter/non-voter, vote_D/vote_R to the state-wise prediction results:

      • VCF0006a: done
      • voter/non-voter,vote_D/vote_R: already in the data
    • add the one model trained on the whole data and the state-wise model prediction results:

      • to do in - done
    • add the citation of the ML term in documents

      • done
    • clean the code, make it:

      • script-run for new data test (apply curent model to new data) - doing
      • script-run for new data training (model update)
      • visulization and store results script -done
  • 2024/4/11:

    • send documents on lgistic regression + elastic net to the professor
    • make the documetns on data process ( one-hot ) and missing value imputation
    • build a table to show the gap between the "vote-D" and "vote-R" for whole data and state-wise data
  • 2024/3/26:

    • model did not work well on "intend-vote" group due to the imbalance of the data
    • try some imbalanced data handling methods, like SMOTE, ADASYN, and RandomOverSampler, but did not work well
    • tried some advanced/non-linear models, like GBTtree, RBF-SVM, and ensemble models, like AdaBoost , but did not work well
    • clean the code and add some comments
  • 2024/3/12:

    • save and finished almost all stat-based analysis
    • start to build the feature-importance model (Log-Reg)
    • focus on the "WA" state group
  • 2024/2/23:

  • add table for "intend to vote" but final "non-voter" for the white/black group in different area

  • add year-based plotting for the changing ratio

  • get some hypotheses to verify(based on "urban-rural"-feature, not miss out!):

    • Blacks in urban America are more likely to vote and vote for the Democratic candidates than are Blacks in rural America.

    • Blacks in suburban America are more likely to vote for the Republican candidates than are Blacks in urban America.

    • Whites in rural America are more likely to vote Republicans than are Whites in urban or suburban America.

    • White non-voters are more likely to live in rural American than in urban America.

  • state-based analysis: focus on WA

  • foucus on final non-voters who intend to vote

  • after feature filter-out, check the performance with only top-5/10/20 features

2024 Jan 3rd:

  • finish the feature filtering: set the missing-ratio in recent 20 years as the threshold, and remove the features with missing ratio larger than 0.3-done

  • build the simple classifier: logistic regression, random forest, and gradient boosting-doing


  • using the small dataset (no missing values) to build the simple classifier
  • send email to the professor to ask about the missing values and categorical features
  • using the sklearn/R based imputation method to deal with the missing values


how to deal with the missing data?

  • just drop? -> only 10% of the data left( 6000~7000 samples)
  • fill with mean? -> too much categorical data
  • use the amelia package? -> can it deal with the categorical data? -> to check
  • use the sklearn.impute package? -> can it deal with the categorical data? -> to check
  • use

how to deal with the categorical features?

  • should we use the label "UK/don't want answer" as a category, or just drop it/as a missing values?
  • is so, can we use the sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder to encode the categorical features? -> to check

2023 Dec:

  • finish the data collection and process, set the target - Done