
Leetcode Problem List

Primary LanguageC++

Leetcode Problem Sheet

Java (Round 1)

Total Count

Easy Medium Hard Unknown Total
Round 1 18 26 0 1 45
Target 96 219 79 394
24.4% 55.6% 20%
Round 2

Count Leetcode # Title Difficulty Date Kind Notes
1 283 Move Zeroes Easy 3/28/2020 - -
2 169 Majority Element Easy 3/28/2020 - -
3 448 Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array Easy 3/28/2020 - Not understanding it
4 121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy 3/28/2020 - -
5 53 Maximum Subarray Easy 3/28/2020 - Kadane's Algorithm
6 1 Two Sum Easy 3/28/2020 Hashmap -
7 581 Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray Easy 3/28/2020 - -
8 238 Product of Array Except Self Medium 3/29/2020 - -
9 78 Subsets Medium 3/29/2020 Recursion -
10 48 Rotate Image Medium 3/29/2020 - -
11 39 Combination Sum Medium 3/29/2020 Recursion -
12 287 Find the Duplicate Number Medium 3/29/2020 - -
13 75 Sort Colors Medium 3/31/2020 Recursion -
14 34 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array Medium 3/31/2020 - -
15 560 Subarray Sum Equals K Medium 3/31/2020 Hashmap -
16 739 Daily Temperatures Medium 4/01/2020 - -
17 136 Single Number Easy 4/01/2020 Hash -
18 347 Top K Frequent Elements Medium 4/01/2020 Heap -
19 3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium 4/01/2020 two pointers -
20 141 Linked List Cycle Easy 4/01/2020 - -
21 142 Linked List Cycle II Medium 4/01/2020 - -
22 202 Happy Number Easy 4/02/2020 - Cannot really get my head around this one.
23 2 Add Two Numbers Medium 4/02/2020 - -
24 279 Perfect Squares Medium 4/02/2020 - -
25 21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy 4/02/2020 - -
* review stop here :---: :---: *
* review below items :---: :---: *
26 148 Sort List Medium 4/05/2020 - -
27 206 Reverse Linked List Easy 4/05/2020 - -
28 19 Remove Nth Node From End of List Medium 4/05/2020 - -
29 122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Easy 4/05/2020 - -
30 15 3Sum Medium 4/06/2020 - -
31 160 Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal Easy 4/06/2020 - -
32 49 Group Anagrams Medium 4/06/2020 - -
33 56 Merge Intervals Medium 4/06/2020 - -
34 79 Word Search Medium 4/06/2020 - -
35 20 Validate Parentheses Easy 4/06/2020 - -
* review above items :---: :---: *
36 # Counting Elements * 4/07/2020 HashSet This one is not part of the listed LeetCode problem
37 155 Min Stack Easy 4/07/2020 - -
38 876 Middle of the Linked List Easy 4/08/2020 - -
39 438 Find All Anagrams in a String Medium 4/08/2020 Sliding Window Close to #76
40 5 Longest Palindromic Substring Medium 4/08/2020 Sliding Window -
41 217 Contains Duplicate Easy 4/08/2020 HashSet -
42 152 Maximum Product Subarray Medium 4/08/2020 - -
43 33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium 4/08/2020 Binary Search -
44 153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Medium 4/08/2020 Binary Search -
45 424 Longest Repeating Character Replacement Medium 4/08/2020 Sliding Window -
Count Stopped Here :---: :---: *
46 844 Backspace String Compare Easy 4/09/2020 - -
47 22 Generate Parentheses Medium 4/09/2020 Backtracking This is the first backtracking problem, contains notes on what's backtracking and how to set up the problems
48 784 Letter Case Permutation Easy 4/09/2020 Backtracking -
49 17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Medium 4/09/2020 Backtracking: faster; Queue, permutation method: slow -
50 394 Decode String Medium 4/09/2020 String -
:--: :---: :---: :---: :---: *
51 698 Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets Medium 4/10/2020 Recursion, Backtracking -
52 543 Diameter of Binary Tree Easy 4/11/2020 - -
53 1046 Last Stone Weight Easy 4/12/2020 - -

I started to prepare for another form of interview, so kinda slacked off on this, the following problem will need a redo...

Count Leetcode # Title Difficulty Date Kind Notes
54 # Perform String Shifts * - - -
55 678 * - - -
56 525 Contiguous Array * - - -
57 200 Number of Island * - - -
58 64 Minimum Path Sum Medium - - -
59 LeftmostColumnwithatLeastAOne.md - - -
60 146 LRU Cache * - - -
61 # Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum * - - -
62 First Bad Version * - - -
63 771 Jewels And Stones * - - -
64 383 Ransom Note * - - -
* * - - -
* * - - -
* * - - -
* 40 Combination Sum II Medium -
* 494 Target Sum Medium 4/08/2020 DP Not understanding this at all
* 680 Easy - - -
:--: :---: :---: :---: :---: *
* 46 Medium - - -
* 101 Easy - - -
* 98 Validate Binary Search Tree Medium - - -
:--: :---: :---: :---: :---: *
* 300 Longest Increasing Subsequence Medium - - -
* 200 Medium - - -
* 11 Container With Most Water Medium - - -
* 7 Reverse Integer Easy - - -
* 76 Hard - - -
:--: :---: :---: :---: :---: *
# 204 Count Primes Easy - - -
* :--: :---: :---: :---: :---: *
# 88 Merge Sorted Array Easy - - -
* 647 Medium - String, DP -
* 417 Medium - BFS, DFS -
# 62 Medium - - -
# 621 Medium - - -
# 105 Medium - - -
# 55 Medium - - -
:---: :---: :---: :---: :---:
* * - - -

Java (Round 2)

Count Leetcode # Title Difficulty Date Kind Notes
1 283 Move Zeroes Easy 3/28/2020 - -
2 169 Majority Element Easy 3/28/2020 - -
3 448 Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array Easy 3/28/2020 - Not understanding it
4 121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy 3/28/2020 - -
5 53 Maximum Subarray Easy 3/28/2020 - Kadane's Algorithm

Area for improvement

  • Need more work on Stack (4/09/2020)
  • Did couple backtracking problems, need more practice (4/09/2020)
  • Need to go over heap sort (4/09/2020)
  • Need #39, #40 for recursion (4/09/2020)
  • Review on merge sort (4/09/2020)

Sit aside contents:


Hard Array

# Title Difficulty Date Kind Notes
42 Hard - - -
128 Hard - - -
85 Hard - - -
84 Hard - - -
41 Hard - - -
45 Hard - - -
4 Hard - - -

Maybe Pile

(Those problems I should practice when I have time)
# Title Difficulty Date Kind Notes
167 Two Sum II - Input array is sorted Medium - - -
90 - Medium - - -
18 4Sum Medium - - -
35 Search Insert Position Easy - - -


Python will be on pause, I found that Python is easy to do problem and so

But I need to search for some python functions while I am doing the problem

# Title Difficulty Date Kind Notes
283 Move Zeroes Easy 3/28/2020 - -
169 Majority Element Easy 3/28/2020 - -
448 Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array Easy 3/28/2020 - -
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy 3/28/2020 - -
53 Maximum Subarray Easy 3/28/2020 - -
1 Two Sum Easy 3/28/2020 - -
581 Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray Easy 3/28/2020 - -

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