A Simple Demo based on libcurl and openssl,in which you can do download/post/get/https get. other function is easy to go.

Primary LanguageC++


A Simple Demo based on boost, libcurl and openssl, in which you can do download/post/get/https get. Other function is easy to go.

When Downloaded,you need to go to [Project->properties] to setup you own boost, libcurl and spenssl path. (include lib path, header file folder path, etc...);

And please note: that your lib should build under MT/MTd mode; you Dll should build under MD/MDd mode or just use mine(in $(ProjectDir)\res\dll);

一个基于boost、libcurl和openssl的demo,已经实现了x断点续传下载文件,发送http get和post、https get功能,其他功能扩展起来比较容易。


需要注意的是: 你编译的静态库必须是MT/MTd模式下生成的;动态库则是MD/MDd模式下生成的。或者干脆用我附带的Dll也行。