Asynchronous Federated Learning

Primary LanguagePython

Blockchain-Based Asynchronous Federated Learning

Blockchain-Based Asynchronous Federated Learning (BAFL) code. Based on Hyperledger Fabric v2.3.

If you think my code is useful, please cite my paper:

  author={Xu, Chenhao and Qu, Youyang and Luan, Tom H. and Eklund, Peter W. and Xiang, Yong and Gao, Longxiang},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology},
  title={An Efficient and Reliable Asynchronous Federated Learning Scheme for Smart Public Transportation},


  author={Xu, Chenhao and Qu, Youyang and Eklund, Peter W. and Xiang, Yong and Gao, Longxiang},
  booktitle={2021 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC)}, 
  title={BAFL: An Efficient Blockchain-Based Asynchronous Federated Learning Framework}, 


How to install this project on your operating system.


  • Ubuntu 20.04

  • Python 3.8.5 (pip 20.0.2)

  • Docker 20.10.6 (docker-compose 1.29.1)

  • Node.js v14.16.1 (npm 6.14.12)

  • Golang 1.16.4

  • The AFL project should be cloned into the home directory, like ~/AFL.

  • A password-free login from a host (host A) to other hosts (host B, C, ...) in the cluster:

# First generate an SSH key for each node (on host A,B,C, ...)
# Then install the SSH key (from host A) to other hosts (to host A, B, C, ...) as an authorized key
ssh-copy-id <hostA-user>@<hostA-ip>
ssh-copy-id <hostB-user>@<hostB-ip>
ssh-copy-id <hostC-user>@<hostC-ip>


All blockchain scripts are under fabric-network directory.

cd fabric-network/

Then copy the binaries under fabric-network/bin/ into your PATH.

Blockchain rest server

cd blockchain-server/
npm install

Federated Learning

Require matplotlib (>=3.3.1), numpy (>=1.18.5), torch (>=1.7.1) torchvision (>=0.8.2) flask (>=2.0.1) and sklearn.

pip3 install matplotlib numpy torch torchvision flask sklearn hickle pandas

For Raspberry PI, download wheels from here, then:

sudo apt install -y python3-h5py libopenblas-dev
# Download the torch wheels from the website, then install the wheels. Finally:
pip3 install matplotlib numpy flask sklearn hickle pandas


It's better to have a gpu cuda, which could accelerate the training process. To check if you have any gpu(cuda):

# or
sudo lshw -C display


How to start & stop this project.


Before start blockchain network, you need to determine the number of blockchain nodes, the user name (should be the same) of remote hosts, and their location in the network. The configure file is located at fabric-network/network.config.

For example, you have two nodes running on the same node, the user name of the host is xueri, then you can do it like:


Notice that only one node is allowed to be allocated on the one node.

Another example is you have three nodes running the the different hosts ( and and the user name for all the hosts is ubuntu, then your configuration could be like this:


After modified the configuration file, now start your blockchain network:

cd fabric-network/
./network.sh up

When finished experiment, stop your blockchain network with ./network.sh down

Blockchain rest server

After you started a blockchain network, start a blockchain rest server for the communicate between python federated learning processes with blockchain smart contract.

cd blockchain-server/
# Start in background:
nohup npm start > server.log 2>&1 &


cd blockchain-server/cluster-scripts/

Federated Learning

The parameters for the training are at ./AFL/federated-learning/utils/options.py

cd federated-learning/
rm -f result-*
python3 fed_avg.py
# Or start in background
nohup python3 -u fed_avg.py > fed_avg.log 2>&1 &

Trigger training to start:

curl -i -X GET 'http://localhost:8888/messages'

Comparative Experiments

The comparative experiments include (under AFL/federated-learning/ directory):

fed_async.py  # our proposed asynchronous federated learning schema (need blockchain)
fed_sync.py  # synchronous federated learning schema (need blockchain)
fed_avg.py  # synchronous federated learning (FedAvg) algorithm (no need blockchain)
fed_localA.py  # adaptive personalized federated learning (APFL) (no need blockchain)
local_train.py  # local deep learning algorithm (Local Training) (no need blockchain)

Before running tests automatically, adjust parameters at cluster-scripts/test.config:


# all schemes to test

# test iid or non-iid datasets

# the default scaling factor setting, -1 means dynamic scaling factor

# the ID of the poisoning attacker

# the training dataset size on each node

To run all tests automatically, go to cluster-scripts/, and run:

./all_nodes_test_bg.sh  # test BAFL, BSFL, FedAVG, APFL, and Local Training
./all_nodes_test_async_bg.sh  # test BAFL
./all_nodes_test_ddos_attack_bg.sh  # test BAFL and AFL under DDoS attacks
./all_nodes_test_poisoning_attack_bg.sh  # test BAFL and AFL under poisoning attacks
./all_nodes_test_static_bg.sh  # test BAFL under dynamic or static settings

There are additional scripts that ease cluster operations under cluster-scripts/:

./all_nodes_update.sh  # updates codes on all nodes, following the IPs at `fabric-network/network.config`
./clean-output.sh  # clean logs on all nodes
./gather-output.sh  # gather logs on all nodes
./replace_network_config.sh  # replace `fabric-network/network.config` on all nodes by that on this node
./restart_blockchain_server.sh  # restart the blockchain server on this node