
Primary LanguageJavaGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


In this project, we introduce a command line tool to support easy usage for generating tpch data and running sqls. It implements running 'generate tpch data', 'execute sql', 'generate data & execute sql', 'merge statistic reports'. User can use it to run tpch or their own bussiness sqls by simply configuring some property files and get the pretty statistic report.

The provided functions are show as below:

Generate tpch data

Step1: provide a json file that describes the tpch data to be generated

This file represents a DataGenModel. The content looks like below:

  "targetDirectory": "data_gen_target",
  "tableGenModels": [
      "tpchTableName": "customer",
      "scaleupFactor": 1,
      "filePartCnt": 2
      "tpchTableName": "lineitem",
      "scaleupFactor": 1,
      "filePartCnt": 3

Parameters for DataGenModel

Name DataType Default Required Note
targetDirectory String - Y Where will the generated data be written
tableGenModels DataGenModel - Y tpch tables to be generated

Parameters for TableGenModel

Each TableGenModel represents a TPCH table to be generated.

Name DataType Default Required Note
tpchTableName String - Y Name of tpch table to be generated
scaleupFactor double 1 N It measures the size of the input data in GB
filePartCnt int 1 N The number of data files will be split into

Step2: executing through command line

java -cp tpch-java-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar ind.xuchuanyin.tpch.cli.CliTool -c gen_data -f path_to_generate_tpch_data

Note: To get the jar, you need to build the project using maven.

Step2 alternative: executing through java code

import ind.xuchuanyin.tpch.datagen.DataGenerator;

DataGenerator dataGenerator = new DataGenerator();

Execute sql

Step1: provide a json file that describes the sqls to be executed

This file represents a QueryModel. The content looks like below:

  "jdbcUrl": "jdbc:h2:~/test",
  "jdbcUser": "sa",
  "jdbcPwd": "",
  "jdbcDriver": "org.h2.Driver",
  "jdbcPoolSize": 3,
  "execIteration": 1,
  "execInterval": 2,
  "execConcurrentSize": 2,
  "shuffleExecute": true,
  "reportStore": "sql_report1",
  "connInitQuery": "use default",
  "querySlices": [
      "id": "id1",
      "sql": "show tables",
      "type": "type1",
      "threads": 1,
      "isSelectQuery": false,
      "isConsumeResult": true,
      "isCountInStatistics": true
      "id": "id2",
      "sql": "show databases",
      "type": "type2",
      "threads": 5,
      "isSelectQuery": false,
      "isConsumeResult": true,
      "isCountInStatistics": true
      "id": "id3",
      "sql": "show tables;show databases",
      "type": "type3",
      "threads": 2,
      "isSelectQuery": false,
      "isConsumeResult": true,
      "isCountInStatistics": false

Parameters for QueryModel

Name DataType Default Required Note
jdbcUrl String - Y Url for JDBC connection
jdbcUser String - N User for JDBC connection
jdbcPwd String - N Password for JDBC connection
jdbcDriver String - Y Driver class for JDBC connection
jdbcPoolSize int 20 N Pool size for connection
execIteration int 1 N Iteration for executing the queries
execInterval int 2 N Time to wait in seconds before next iteration
execConcurrentSize int 1 N Pool size for concurrent querying
shuffleExecute boolean false N Whether to shuffle the sql statements before execution
reportStore String - N Where to store the statistic result of the query model. If this parameter is not configured, we will not store it. If it is configured, we will write the statistics to a file in both json and table format. Later user can merge different reports
connInitQuery String - N While the connection pool is initialized, each connection will execute this query statement. This is usually for setting some environment variables
querySlices List QuerySlice - Y Each QuerySlice represents a block of sql statments that to be executed

Parameters for QuerySlice

Each QuerySlice represents a specific sql statement.

Name DataType Default Required Note
id String q${nanotime} N To distinguish a SQL, especially when we shuffle a batch of sqls, we use this id to represent each sql
sql String - Y SQL to be executed
type String unclassified N Type of SQL which will be used in statistics. For each type, a statistics will be performed
threads int 1 N SQL will be executed threads times in one iteration
isSelectQuery boolean true whether this sql is select query. We add this parameter because that for some database, non-select query cannot execute through execteQuery method
isConsumedResult boolean true N For each sql execution, a ResultSet will be returned. This parameter controls whether we will iterate the ResultSet
isCountInStatistics boolean true N Whether to include this SQL in the statistics

Step2: executing through command line

java -cp tpch-java-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar ind.xuchuanyin.tpch.cli.CliTool -c exec_sql -f path_to_execute_sql

Step2 alternative: executing through java code

import ind.xuchuanyin.tpch.jdbc.QueryClient;

QueryClient queryClient = new QueryClient();

Step3: get the report

If the parameter reportStore has been configured, the statistic report for the QueryModel will be written to that directory. There will be two files, one is of json format which is suffixed with _rpt.json, another is of plain table format which is suffixed with _rpt.txt.

We can later merge multiple json reports into one single report and generate the json and table reports respectively. You can refer to the merge statistic reports section for more information.

The json report looks like below:

    "query": "ALL",
    "size": 6,
    "total": 0,
    "min": 0,
    "max": 0,
    "avg": 0.0,
    "quarter": 0,
    "half": 0,
    "three_quarters": 0,
    "ninety": 0,
    "ninety_five": 0
    "query": "type1",
    "size": 1,
    "total": 0,
    "min": 0,
    "max": 0,
    "avg": 0.0,
    "quarter": 0,
    "half": 0,
    "three_quarters": 0,
    "ninety": 0,
    "ninety_five": 0
    "query": "type2",
    "size": 5,
    "total": 0,
    "min": 0,
    "max": 0,
    "avg": 0.0,
    "quarter": 0,
    "half": 0,
    "three_quarters": 0,
    "ninety": 0,
    "ninety_five": 0

The table report looks like below:

| query | size | total | min | max | avg | 25% | 50% | 75% | 90% | 95% |
|  ALL  |   6  |   0   |  0  |  0  | 0.0 |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |
| type1 |   1  |   0   |  0  |  0  | 0.0 |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |
| type2 |   5  |   0   |  0  |  0  | 0.0 |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |

Generate data and Execute sql

Step1: provide a json file that describes the sqls to be executed

This file represents a TpchModel. The content looks like below:

  "dataGen": {
    "preProcessScript": "",
    "processMetaFilePath": "data_gen_meta.json",
    "postProcessScript": ""
  "sqlExec": [
      "preProcessScript": "",
      "processMetaFilePath": "sql_meta1.json",
      "postProcessScript": ""
      "preProcessScript": "",
      "processMetaFilePath": "sql_meta2.json",
      "postProcessScript": ""
      "preProcessScript": "",
      "processMetaFilePath": "sql_meta3.json",
      "postProcessScript": ""

Parameters for TpchModel

Name DataType Default Required Note
dataGen ModelWrapper - N It describes the tpch data to be generated
sqlExec List ModelWrapprt - N It describes the sqls to be executed

Parameters for dataGen

Name DataType Default Required Note
preProcessScript String - N Path to the script to be executed before generating tpch data
processMetaFilePath String - Y Path to the file that describes the DataGenModel
posteProcessScript String - N Path to the script to be executed after processing

Parameters for sqlExec

Name DataType Default Required Note
preProcessScript String - N Path to the script file to be executed before processing
processMetaFilePath String - Y Path to the file that describes the QueryModel
posteProcessScript String - N Path to the script file to be executed after processing

Step2: executing through command line

java -cp tpch-java-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar ind.xuchuanyin.tpch.cli.CliTool -c tpch -f path_to_tpch_model

Step2 alternative: executing through java code

import ind.xuchuanyin.tpch.e2e.TpchExecutor;

TpchExecutor tpchExecutor = new TpchExecutor();

Merge statistic reports

Step1: executing through command line

java -cp tpch-java-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar ind.xuchuanyin.tpch.cli.CliTool -c merge_report -f report1_json report2_json -o merge_report_out_path

Step1 alternative: executing through java code

import ind.xuchuanyin.tpch.report.HistogramReporter;

String mergeResult = HistogramReporter.mergeStatisticFromFile(merge_report_out_path, report1_json, report2_json);