lzbench is an in-memory benchmark of open-source LZ77/LZSS/LZMA compressors. It joins all compressors into a single exe. At the beginning an input file is read to memory. Then all compressors are used to compress and decompress the file and decompressed file is verified. This approach has a big advantage of using the same compiler with the same optimizations for all compressors. The disadvantage is that it requires source code of each compressor (therefore Slug or lzturbo are not included).
Status |
usage: lzbench [options] input [input2] [input3]
where [input] is a file or a directory and [options] are:
-b# set block/chunk size to # KB (default = MIN(filesize,1747626 KB))
-c# sort results by column # (1=algname, 2=ctime, 3=dtime, 4=comprsize)
-e# #=compressors separated by '/' with parameters specified after ',' (deflt=fast)
-iX,Y set min. number of compression and decompression iterations (default = 1, 1)
-j join files in memory but compress them independently (for many small files)
-l list of available compressors and aliases
-m# set memory limit to # MB (default = no limit)
-o# output text format 1=Markdown, 2=text, 3=text+origSize, 4=CSV (default = 2)
-p# print time for all iterations: 1=fastest 2=average 3=median (default = 1)
-r operate recursively on directories
-s# use only compressors with compression speed over # MB (default = 0 MB)
-tX,Y set min. time in seconds for compression and decompression (default = 1, 2)
-v disable progress information
-x disable real-time process priority
-z show (de)compression times instead of speed
Example usage:
lzbench -ezstd filename = selects all levels of zstd
lzbench -ebrotli,2,5/zstd filename = selects levels 2 & 5 of brotli and zstd
lzbench -t3 -u5 fname = 3 sec compression and 5 sec decompression loops
lzbench -t0 -u0 -i3 -j5 -ezstd fname = 3 compression and 5 decompression iter.
lzbench -t0u0i3j5 -ezstd fname = the same as above with aggregated parameters
For Linux/MacOS/MinGW (Windows):
For 32-bit compilation:
make BUILD_ARCH=32-bit
The default linking for Linux is dynamic and static for Windows. This can be changed with make BUILD_STATIC=0/1
To remove one of compressors you can add -DBENCH_REMOVE_XXX
in Makefile (e.g. DEFINES += -DBENCH_REMOVE_LZ4
to remove LZ4).
You also have to remove corresponding *.o
files (e.g. lz4/lz4.o
and lz4/lz4hc.o
lzbench was tested with:
- Ubuntu: gcc 4.8 (both 32-bit and 64-bit), 4.9, 5 (32-bit and 64-bit), 6 (32-bit and 64-bit), 7, 8, 9 and clang 3.5, 3.6, 3.8, 3.9, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7, 8, 9
- MacOS: Apple LLVM version 9.1.0
- MinGW (Windows): gcc 5.3 (32-bit), gcc 6.2 (both 32-bit and 64-bit), gcc 9.1
Warning: some of the compressors listed here have security issues and/or are no longer maintained. For information about the security of the various compressors, see the CompFuzz Results page.
blosclz 2.0.0
brieflz 1.3.0
brotli 2019-10-01 (c435f06675)
bzip2 1.0.8
crush 1.0
csc 2016-10-13 (WARNING: it can throw SEGFAULT compiled with Apple LLVM version 7.3.0 (clang-703.0.31))
density 0.12.5 beta (WARNING: it contains bugs (shortened decompressed output))
fastlz 0.1
fast-lzma2 1.0.1
gipfeli 2016-07-13
glza 0.8
libdeflate v1.3
lizard v1.0 (formerly lz5)
lz4/lz4hc v1.9.2
lzf 3.6
lzfse/lzvn 2017-03-08
lzg 1.0.10
lzham 1.0
lzjb 2010
lzlib 1.11
lzma v19.00
lzmat 1.01 (WARNING: it contains bugs (decompression error; returns 0); it can throw SEGFAULT compiled with gcc 4.9+ -O3)
lzo 2.10
lzrw 15-Jul-1991
lzsse 2019-04-18 (1847c3e827)
pithy 2011-12-24 (WARNING: it contains bugs (decompression error; returns 0))
quicklz 1.5.0
shrinker 0.1 (WARNING: it can throw SEGFAULT compiled with gcc 4.9+ -O3)
slz 1.0.0 (only a compressor, uses zlib for decompression)
snappy 2019-09-30 (e9e11b84e6)
tornado 0.6a
ucl 1.03
wflz 2015-09-16 (WARNING: it can throw SEGFAULT compiled with gcc 4.9+ -O3)
xpack 2016-06-02
xz 5.2.4
yalz77 2015-09-19
yappy 2014-03-22 (WARNING: fails to decompress properly on ARM)
zlib 1.2.11
zling 2018-10-12 (according to the author using libzling in a production environment is not a good idea)
zstd 1.4.3
The following results are obtained with lzbench 1.8
with the -t16,16 -eall
options using 1 core of Intel Core i7-8700K, Ubuntu 18.04.3 64-bit, and clang 9.0.1
with "silesia.tar" which contains tarred files from Silesia compression corpus.
The results sorted by ratio are available here.
Compressor name | Compress. | Decompress. | Compr. size | Ratio |
memcpy | 10362 MB/s | 10790 MB/s | 211947520 | 100.00 |
blosclz 2.0.0 -1 | 6485 MB/s | 7959 MB/s | 211947520 | 100.00 |
blosclz 2.0.0 -3 | 1073 MB/s | 5909 MB/s | 199437330 | 94.10 |
blosclz 2.0.0 -6 | 412 MB/s | 1083 MB/s | 137571765 | 64.91 |
blosclz 2.0.0 -9 | 403 MB/s | 1037 MB/s | 135557850 | 63.96 |
brieflz 1.2.0 -1 | 197 MB/s | 431 MB/s | 81138803 | 38.28 |
brieflz 1.2.0 -3 | 108 MB/s | 436 MB/s | 75550736 | 35.65 |
brieflz 1.2.0 -6 | 19 MB/s | 468 MB/s | 67208420 | 31.71 |
brieflz 1.2.0 -8 | 0.46 MB/s | 473 MB/s | 64912139 | 30.63 |
brotli 2019-10-01 -0 | 420 MB/s | 419 MB/s | 78433298 | 37.01 |
brotli 2019-10-01 -2 | 154 MB/s | 485 MB/s | 68060686 | 32.11 |
brotli 2019-10-01 -5 | 35 MB/s | 520 MB/s | 59568603 | 28.11 |
brotli 2019-10-01 -8 | 10 MB/s | 533 MB/s | 57140168 | 26.96 |
brotli 2019-10-01 -11 | 0.63 MB/s | 451 MB/s | 50412404 | 23.79 |
bzip2 1.0.8 -1 | 18 MB/s | 52 MB/s | 60484813 | 28.54 |
bzip2 1.0.8 -5 | 16 MB/s | 44 MB/s | 55724395 | 26.29 |
bzip2 1.0.8 -9 | 15 MB/s | 41 MB/s | 54572811 | 25.75 |
crush 1.0 -0 | 53 MB/s | 413 MB/s | 73064603 | 34.47 |
crush 1.0 -1 | 6.11 MB/s | 455 MB/s | 66494412 | 31.37 |
crush 1.0 -2 | 0.82 MB/s | 468 MB/s | 63746223 | 30.08 |
csc 2016-10-13 -1 | 21 MB/s | 73 MB/s | 56201092 | 26.52 |
csc 2016-10-13 -3 | 9.38 MB/s | 71 MB/s | 53477914 | 25.23 |
csc 2016-10-13 -5 | 3.86 MB/s | 77 MB/s | 49801577 | 23.50 |
density 0.14.2 -1 | 2214 MB/s | 2677 MB/s | 133042166 | 62.77 |
density 0.14.2 -2 | 933 MB/s | 1433 MB/s | 101651444 | 47.96 |
density 0.14.2 -3 | 432 MB/s | 529 MB/s | 87649866 | 41.35 |
fastlz 0.1 -1 | 341 MB/s | 806 MB/s | 104628084 | 49.37 |
fastlz 0.1 -2 | 368 MB/s | 811 MB/s | 100906072 | 47.61 |
fastlzma2 1.0.1 -1 | 23 MB/s | 90 MB/s | 59030954 | 27.85 |
fastlzma2 1.0.1 -3 | 11 MB/s | 94 MB/s | 54023837 | 25.49 |
fastlzma2 1.0.1 -5 | 7.44 MB/s | 103 MB/s | 51209571 | 24.16 |
fastlzma2 1.0.1 -8 | 5.18 MB/s | 103 MB/s | 49126740 | 23.18 |
fastlzma2 1.0.1 -10 | 3.99 MB/s | 105 MB/s | 48666065 | 22.96 |
gipfeli 2016-07-13 | 403 MB/s | 663 MB/s | 87931759 | 41.49 |
libdeflate 1.3 -1 | 201 MB/s | 865 MB/s | 73318371 | 34.59 |
libdeflate 1.3 -3 | 161 MB/s | 912 MB/s | 70668968 | 33.34 |
libdeflate 1.3 -6 | 99 MB/s | 924 MB/s | 67928189 | 32.05 |
libdeflate 1.3 -9 | 16 MB/s | 898 MB/s | 65701539 | 31.00 |
libdeflate 1.3 -12 | 7.39 MB/s | 900 MB/s | 64801629 | 30.57 |
lizard 1.0 -10 | 635 MB/s | 4173 MB/s | 103402971 | 48.79 |
lizard 1.0 -12 | 179 MB/s | 3955 MB/s | 86232422 | 40.69 |
lizard 1.0 -15 | 85 MB/s | 4081 MB/s | 81187330 | 38.31 |
lizard 1.0 -19 | 4.60 MB/s | 4043 MB/s | 77416400 | 36.53 |
lizard 1.0 -20 | 481 MB/s | 2985 MB/s | 96924204 | 45.73 |
lizard 1.0 -22 | 149 MB/s | 2904 MB/s | 84866725 | 40.04 |
lizard 1.0 -25 | 18 MB/s | 2853 MB/s | 75867915 | 35.80 |
lizard 1.0 -29 | 2.07 MB/s | 2697 MB/s | 68694227 | 32.41 |
lizard 1.0 -30 | 453 MB/s | 1414 MB/s | 85727429 | 40.45 |
lizard 1.0 -32 | 193 MB/s | 1641 MB/s | 78652654 | 37.11 |
lizard 1.0 -35 | 95 MB/s | 2279 MB/s | 74563583 | 35.18 |
lizard 1.0 -39 | 4.37 MB/s | 2475 MB/s | 69807522 | 32.94 |
lizard 1.0 -40 | 354 MB/s | 1497 MB/s | 80843049 | 38.14 |
lizard 1.0 -42 | 131 MB/s | 1621 MB/s | 73350988 | 34.61 |
lizard 1.0 -45 | 17 MB/s | 1810 MB/s | 67317588 | 31.76 |
lizard 1.0 -49 | 1.95 MB/s | 1729 MB/s | 60679215 | 28.63 |
lz4 1.9.2 | 737 MB/s | 4448 MB/s | 100880800 | 47.60 |
lz4fast 1.9.2 -3 | 838 MB/s | 4423 MB/s | 107066190 | 50.52 |
lz4fast 1.9.2 -17 | 1201 MB/s | 4632 MB/s | 131732802 | 62.15 |
lz4hc 1.9.2 -1 | 131 MB/s | 4071 MB/s | 83803769 | 39.54 |
lz4hc 1.9.2 -4 | 81 MB/s | 4210 MB/s | 79807909 | 37.65 |
lz4hc 1.9.2 -9 | 33 MB/s | 4378 MB/s | 77884448 | 36.75 |
lz4hc 1.9.2 -12 | 11 MB/s | 4427 MB/s | 77262620 | 36.45 |
lzf 3.6 -0 | 400 MB/s | 869 MB/s | 105682088 | 49.86 |
lzf 3.6 -1 | 398 MB/s | 914 MB/s | 102041092 | 48.14 |
lzfse 2017-03-08 | 90 MB/s | 934 MB/s | 67624281 | 31.91 |
lzg 1.0.10 -1 | 91 MB/s | 653 MB/s | 108553667 | 51.22 |
lzg 1.0.10 -4 | 53 MB/s | 655 MB/s | 95930551 | 45.26 |
lzg 1.0.10 -6 | 29 MB/s | 702 MB/s | 89490220 | 42.22 |
lzg 1.0.10 -8 | 9.30 MB/s | 762 MB/s | 83606901 | 39.45 |
lzham 1.0 -d26 -0 | 11 MB/s | 271 MB/s | 64089870 | 30.24 |
lzham 1.0 -d26 -1 | 2.98 MB/s | 340 MB/s | 54740589 | 25.83 |
lzjb 2010 | 394 MB/s | 601 MB/s | 122671613 | 57.88 |
lzlib 1.11 -0 | 36 MB/s | 61 MB/s | 63847386 | 30.12 |
lzlib 1.11 -3 | 6.81 MB/s | 69 MB/s | 56320674 | 26.57 |
lzlib 1.11 -6 | 2.82 MB/s | 74 MB/s | 49777495 | 23.49 |
lzlib 1.11 -9 | 1.82 MB/s | 76 MB/s | 48296889 | 22.79 |
lzma 19.00 -0 | 34 MB/s | 80 MB/s | 64013917 | 30.20 |
lzma 19.00 -2 | 25 MB/s | 91 MB/s | 58867911 | 27.77 |
lzma 19.00 -4 | 14 MB/s | 95 MB/s | 57201645 | 26.99 |
lzma 19.00 -5 | 3.28 MB/s | 103 MB/s | 49710307 | 23.45 |
lzma 19.00 -9 | 2.66 MB/s | 107 MB/s | 48707450 | 22.98 |
lzmat 1.01 | 38 MB/s | 479 MB/s | 76485353 | 36.09 |
lzo1 2.10 -1 | 308 MB/s | 799 MB/s | 106474519 | 50.24 |
lzo1 2.10 -99 | 123 MB/s | 857 MB/s | 94946129 | 44.80 |
lzo1a 2.10 -1 | 309 MB/s | 811 MB/s | 104202251 | 49.16 |
lzo1a 2.10 -99 | 121 MB/s | 869 MB/s | 92666265 | 43.72 |
lzo1b 2.10 -1 | 257 MB/s | 805 MB/s | 97036087 | 45.78 |
lzo1b 2.10 -3 | 255 MB/s | 821 MB/s | 94044578 | 44.37 |
lzo1b 2.10 -6 | 244 MB/s | 823 MB/s | 91382355 | 43.12 |
lzo1b 2.10 -9 | 186 MB/s | 816 MB/s | 89261884 | 42.12 |
lzo1b 2.10 -99 | 126 MB/s | 839 MB/s | 85653376 | 40.41 |
lzo1b 2.10 -999 | 12 MB/s | 945 MB/s | 76594292 | 36.14 |
lzo1c 2.10 -1 | 269 MB/s | 812 MB/s | 99550904 | 46.97 |
lzo1c 2.10 -3 | 262 MB/s | 829 MB/s | 96716153 | 45.63 |
lzo1c 2.10 -6 | 211 MB/s | 819 MB/s | 93303623 | 44.02 |
lzo1c 2.10 -9 | 169 MB/s | 820 MB/s | 91040386 | 42.95 |
lzo1c 2.10 -99 | 110 MB/s | 828 MB/s | 88112288 | 41.57 |
lzo1c 2.10 -999 | 24 MB/s | 878 MB/s | 80396741 | 37.93 |
lzo1f 2.10 -1 | 244 MB/s | 793 MB/s | 99743329 | 47.06 |
lzo1f 2.10 -999 | 21 MB/s | 833 MB/s | 80890206 | 38.17 |
lzo1x 2.10 -1 | 680 MB/s | 868 MB/s | 100572537 | 47.45 |
lzo1x 2.10 -11 | 735 MB/s | 893 MB/s | 106604629 | 50.30 |
lzo1x 2.10 -12 | 717 MB/s | 875 MB/s | 103238859 | 48.71 |
lzo1x 2.10 -15 | 699 MB/s | 871 MB/s | 101462094 | 47.87 |
lzo1x 2.10 -999 | 8.76 MB/s | 827 MB/s | 75301903 | 35.53 |
lzo1y 2.10 -1 | 674 MB/s | 863 MB/s | 101258318 | 47.78 |
lzo1y 2.10 -999 | 8.87 MB/s | 822 MB/s | 75503849 | 35.62 |
lzo1z 2.10 -999 | 8.67 MB/s | 814 MB/s | 75061331 | 35.42 |
lzo2a 2.10 -999 | 27 MB/s | 667 MB/s | 82809337 | 39.07 |
lzrw 15-Jul-1991 -1 | 317 MB/s | 646 MB/s | 113761625 | 53.67 |
lzrw 15-Jul-1991 -3 | 381 MB/s | 726 MB/s | 105424168 | 49.74 |
lzrw 15-Jul-1991 -4 | 392 MB/s | 630 MB/s | 100131356 | 47.24 |
lzrw 15-Jul-1991 -5 | 150 MB/s | 677 MB/s | 90818810 | 42.85 |
lzsse2 2019-04-18 -1 | 24 MB/s | 3276 MB/s | 87976095 | 41.51 |
lzsse2 2019-04-18 -6 | 10 MB/s | 3741 MB/s | 75837101 | 35.78 |
lzsse2 2019-04-18 -12 | 9.74 MB/s | 3754 MB/s | 75829973 | 35.78 |
lzsse2 2019-04-18 -16 | 9.82 MB/s | 3762 MB/s | 75829973 | 35.78 |
lzsse4 2019-04-18 -1 | 21 MB/s | 3965 MB/s | 82542106 | 38.94 |
lzsse4 2019-04-18 -6 | 10 MB/s | 4272 MB/s | 76118298 | 35.91 |
lzsse4 2019-04-18 -12 | 10 MB/s | 4272 MB/s | 76113017 | 35.91 |
lzsse4 2019-04-18 -16 | 10 MB/s | 4291 MB/s | 76113017 | 35.91 |
lzsse8 2019-04-18 -1 | 19 MB/s | 4166 MB/s | 81866245 | 38.63 |
lzsse8 2019-04-18 -6 | 10 MB/s | 4503 MB/s | 75469717 | 35.61 |
lzsse8 2019-04-18 -12 | 9.86 MB/s | 4491 MB/s | 75464339 | 35.61 |
lzsse8 2019-04-18 -16 | 9.90 MB/s | 4461 MB/s | 75464339 | 35.61 |
lzvn 2017-03-08 | 73 MB/s | 1223 MB/s | 80814609 | 38.13 |
pithy 2011-12-24 -0 | 647 MB/s | 2084 MB/s | 103072463 | 48.63 |
pithy 2011-12-24 -3 | 597 MB/s | 2083 MB/s | 97255186 | 45.89 |
pithy 2011-12-24 -6 | 483 MB/s | 2221 MB/s | 92090898 | 43.45 |
pithy 2011-12-24 -9 | 400 MB/s | 2256 MB/s | 90360813 | 42.63 |
quicklz 1.5.0 -1 | 550 MB/s | 715 MB/s | 94720562 | 44.69 |
quicklz 1.5.0 -2 | 286 MB/s | 708 MB/s | 84555627 | 39.89 |
quicklz 1.5.0 -3 | 59 MB/s | 1069 MB/s | 81822241 | 38.60 |
shrinker 0.1 | 985 MB/s | 3180 MB/s | 172535778 | 81.40 |
slz_zlib 1.0.0 -1 | 301 MB/s | 380 MB/s | 99657958 | 47.02 |
slz_zlib 1.0.0 -2 | 297 MB/s | 378 MB/s | 96863094 | 45.70 |
slz_zlib 1.0.0 -3 | 293 MB/s | 379 MB/s | 96187780 | 45.38 |
snappy 2019-09-30 | 591 MB/s | 1868 MB/s | 102146767 | 48.19 |
tornado 0.6a -1 | 437 MB/s | 520 MB/s | 107381846 | 50.66 |
tornado 0.6a -2 | 300 MB/s | 488 MB/s | 90076660 | 42.50 |
tornado 0.6a -3 | 186 MB/s | 301 MB/s | 72662044 | 34.28 |
tornado 0.6a -4 | 133 MB/s | 310 MB/s | 70513617 | 33.27 |
tornado 0.6a -5 | 51 MB/s | 195 MB/s | 64129604 | 30.26 |
tornado 0.6a -6 | 34 MB/s | 195 MB/s | 62364583 | 29.42 |
tornado 0.6a -7 | 16 MB/s | 194 MB/s | 59026325 | 27.85 |
tornado 0.6a -10 | 5.73 MB/s | 192 MB/s | 57588241 | 27.17 |
tornado 0.6a -13 | 6.94 MB/s | 202 MB/s | 55614072 | 26.24 |
tornado 0.6a -16 | 2.15 MB/s | 207 MB/s | 53257046 | 25.13 |
ucl_nrv2b 1.03 -1 | 58 MB/s | 322 MB/s | 81703168 | 38.55 |
ucl_nrv2b 1.03 -6 | 20 MB/s | 375 MB/s | 73902185 | 34.87 |
ucl_nrv2b 1.03 -9 | 2.09 MB/s | 407 MB/s | 71031195 | 33.51 |
ucl_nrv2d 1.03 -1 | 59 MB/s | 333 MB/s | 81461976 | 38.43 |
ucl_nrv2d 1.03 -6 | 21 MB/s | 386 MB/s | 73757673 | 34.80 |
ucl_nrv2d 1.03 -9 | 2.09 MB/s | 422 MB/s | 70053895 | 33.05 |
ucl_nrv2e 1.03 -1 | 59 MB/s | 330 MB/s | 81195560 | 38.31 |
ucl_nrv2e 1.03 -6 | 21 MB/s | 391 MB/s | 73302012 | 34.58 |
ucl_nrv2e 1.03 -9 | 2.13 MB/s | 429 MB/s | 69645134 | 32.86 |
wflz 2015-09-16 | 305 MB/s | 1183 MB/s | 109605264 | 51.71 |
xpack 2016-06-02 -1 | 171 MB/s | 890 MB/s | 71090065 | 33.54 |
xpack 2016-06-02 -6 | 43 MB/s | 1086 MB/s | 62213845 | 29.35 |
xpack 2016-06-02 -9 | 17 MB/s | 1116 MB/s | 61240928 | 28.89 |
xz 5.2.4 -0 | 24 MB/s | 70 MB/s | 62579435 | 29.53 |
xz 5.2.4 -3 | 6.76 MB/s | 84 MB/s | 55745125 | 26.30 |
xz 5.2.4 -6 | 2.95 MB/s | 89 MB/s | 49195929 | 23.21 |
xz 5.2.4 -9 | 2.62 MB/s | 88 MB/s | 48745306 | 23.00 |
yalz77 2015-09-19 -1 | 105 MB/s | 578 MB/s | 93952728 | 44.33 |
yalz77 2015-09-19 -4 | 56 MB/s | 539 MB/s | 87392632 | 41.23 |
yalz77 2015-09-19 -8 | 35 MB/s | 532 MB/s | 85153287 | 40.18 |
yalz77 2015-09-19 -12 | 24 MB/s | 518 MB/s | 84050625 | 39.66 |
yappy 2014-03-22 -1 | 165 MB/s | 2809 MB/s | 105750956 | 49.89 |
yappy 2014-03-22 -10 | 128 MB/s | 2969 MB/s | 100018673 | 47.19 |
yappy 2014-03-22 -100 | 96 MB/s | 3001 MB/s | 98672514 | 46.56 |
zlib 1.2.11 -1 | 119 MB/s | 383 MB/s | 77259029 | 36.45 |
zlib 1.2.11 -6 | 35 MB/s | 407 MB/s | 68228431 | 32.19 |
zlib 1.2.11 -9 | 14 MB/s | 404 MB/s | 67644548 | 31.92 |
zling 2018-10-12 -0 | 75 MB/s | 216 MB/s | 62990590 | 29.72 |
zling 2018-10-12 -1 | 67 MB/s | 221 MB/s | 62022546 | 29.26 |
zling 2018-10-12 -2 | 60 MB/s | 225 MB/s | 61503093 | 29.02 |
zling 2018-10-12 -3 | 53 MB/s | 226 MB/s | 60999828 | 28.78 |
zling 2018-10-12 -4 | 46 MB/s | 226 MB/s | 60626768 | 28.60 |
zstd 1.4.3 -1 | 480 MB/s | 1203 MB/s | 73508823 | 34.68 |
zstd 1.4.3 -2 | 356 MB/s | 1067 MB/s | 69594511 | 32.84 |
zstd 1.4.3 -5 | 104 MB/s | 932 MB/s | 63993747 | 30.19 |
zstd 1.4.3 -8 | 46 MB/s | 1055 MB/s | 60757793 | 28.67 |
zstd 1.4.3 -11 | 20 MB/s | 1001 MB/s | 59239357 | 27.95 |
zstd 1.4.3 -15 | 7.12 MB/s | 1024 MB/s | 57167422 | 26.97 |
zstd 1.4.3 -18 | 3.58 MB/s | 912 MB/s | 53690572 | 25.33 |
zstd 1.4.3 -22 | 2.28 MB/s | 865 MB/s | 52738312 | 24.88 |