npx create-react-native-app -t with-typescript
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript which gives you static types and powerful tooling in Visual Studio Code including autocompletion and useful inline warnings for type errors.
- Install the CLI:
npm i -g expo-cli
- Create a project:
npx create-react-native-app -t with-typescript
into the project
- Create a blank TypeScript config:
touch tsconfig.json
- Run
expo start
to automatically configure TypeScript - Rename files to TypeScript,
for React components and.ts
for plain typescript files
💡 You can disable the TypeScript setup in Expo CLI with the environment variable
- npx expo run:android
- npx eas build --profile production -p ios
- npx eas build -p android --profile preview
- npx eas submit -p android
- eas build -p android --local --profile production
- npx expo run:android --variant release
- eas build -p android --profile production_deploy
- npx eas submit -p android
- ts-node --esm ./scripts/compareLanguages.ts
- change the comparison by updating params in console.log
- Run npm i
- Delete node_modules and run npm i
- Delete android/app/build directory
- package.json version
- app.json version
- android/app/build.gradle version
- android/app/build.gradle versionCode Versions should all be the same value. VersionCode should increment by 1
- npm i
- npx expo start -c
1-7-2024 - Refire Deployment npm i && cd ios && pod install && cd ../ && npx expo start -c
ios prod npx expo run:ios --configuration Release