This version is archived. Check out the new version which is built by golang/spf13 [GG]!
The EZ way to generates .gitignore🍿.
You can find those templates in github/gitignore
$ yarn add -g gg
$ gg COMMAND running command...
$ gg (-v|--version|version) gg/0.0.1 darwin-x64 node-v14.15.3
$ gg --help [COMMAND] USAGE
$ gg [TYPE]
TYPE input your expected template(s). split them using a comma(,).
-a, --append append to the end of the file.
-f, --filename=filename [default: .gitignore] specify the output file.
-h, --help show CLI help
-l, --list show all available template
-v, --version show CLI version
- global/community template
- customize template
- remove gh api(It's too complicated to setup before start using this command)