Get currency conversion from site inside a multithreaded app.
Euro foreing exchange refernce rates
JSON API for foreign exchange rates and currency conversion
A multi-threaded example that uses pthreads to fetch several files at once
One-liner to generate binaries, documentation, run tests, install and package:
Update manually that number of cores on the machine (make -j6):
rm -rf build && mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. -DCurrency_TEST=1 -DCXXFLAGS_RELEASE_FLAG=1 -DCurrency_PLANTUML=1 && make -j6 && ctest && make install && make installDocCurrency && cpack
No need for updating the number of cores:
rm -rf build && mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. -G "Ninja" -DCurrency_TEST=1 -DCXXFLAGS_RELEASE_FLAG=1 -DCurrency_PLANTUML=1 && ninja && ctest && ninja install && ninja installDocCurrency && cpack
Similar to the previous section, just use strings command for summary and detail version info:
strings ./Currency_test | grep Currency_VERSION: | sort -u
strings ./Currency_test | grep Currency_VERSION_INFO: | sort -u
Being that information embedded on the libraries themselves, it's possible to directly query to them:
strings ./libCurrency.a | grep Currency_VERSION: | sort -u
strings ./libCurrency.a | grep Currency_VERSION_INFO: | sort -u
On macOS as well:
strings ./libCurrency.a | grep Currency_VERSION: | sort -u
strings ./libCurrency.a | grep Currency_VERSION_INFO: | sort -u
In order to get output on case of faiure, don't forget to set CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1 before invoking those tests.
Invoke directly the testing executable with the proper level flag:
test/Currency_test --log_level=message
Environment variable INSTALL_PREFIX can be defined to target your favourite installation folder.
Chose 'Ninja' building genarator instead of default 'Unix Makefiles' when cmake is invoke if you like it best:
cmake .. -G 'Ninja'
After that, just execute the usual 'make-like' targets:
ninja test
ninja docCurrency
[sudo] ninja install
Activate test flag when cmake command is invoked. For example:
cmake .. -G "Ninja" -DCurrency_TEST=1
Just use the command cpack once the binaries and documentation to be packed have been generated. For example:
ninja && ninja docCurrency && cpack
Or if classic Unix Makefiles are used:
make && make docCurrency && cpack
By default, a tar.gz file will be created. See CPack for further details on deb or rpm packages.
PlantUML is a component that allows to quickly write UML and non-UML diagrams. It's based on graphviz/dot utilities and implement a wrapper in java:
java -jar /opt/plantuml/plantuml.jar -o images/
Taking advantage from the fact that PlantUML stores diagram metainfo embedded inside of those images so they might be updated ONLY when they really got changes. That way git repository space will be spared and previous java command added to .cmake scripts. But take into account that everytime that plantuml.jar is updated may imply to refresh all the diagrams becuase that metainfo could depends on the version of the library:
cmake .. -DCurrency_PLANTUML=1
Pandoc library tools lets you convert a lot of different formats:
pandoc --from=markdown_github --to=mediawiki