If you have a package or project that uses go-zero, please submit a pull request to list it here. Thank you!
Tools and plugins for go-zero
- goctl-intellij - goctl intellij plugin
- goctl-vscode - goctl vscode plugin
- goctl-swagger - goctl swagger plugin
- goctl-php - goctl php plugin
- goctl-go-compact - goctl plugin that merges handler files
- goctl-android - goctl android plugin demo
- gengin - goctl gin plugin
- gorm-zero - go-zero gorm extension
Libraries that use go-zero
- cds - Data syncing in golang for ClickHouse.
- go-queue - Kafka, Beanstalkd Pub/Sub framework.
- go-stash - go-stash is a high performance, free and open source server-side data processing pipeline that ingests data from Kafka, processes it, and then sends it to ElasticSearch.
- datacenter - 数据中台系统
- zero-vue-admin - 基于Go-Zero + vue-element-admin的前后端分离微服务管理系统的前端模块
- zero-admin-ui - 基于Go-Zero + Ant Design Pro的前后端分离微服务管理系统的前端模块
- zero-admin - 基于go-zero +Ant Design Pro的前后端分离微服务管理系统后端模块
- zeromall - The mall system based on go-zero.
- zindle - go-zero实战 bookstore 案例(uni-app开发+casbin权限控制)
- cookiecutter-go - go 项目初始化脚手架, 支持 go-zero 微服务项目初始化
- iThings - iThings是一个基于golang开发的轻量级云原生微服务物联网平台.目前支持 mqtt 协议,支持数据模板检验,日志记录,数据流转,实时数据反馈,低代码数据流转,用户及设备互联互通
- library-system-admin - library admin
- go-zero-looklook - a go-zero full stack example
- austin-go - 一个聚合消息推送平台,支持微信,邮件,短信,微信公众号,钉钉等多种渠道
- ark-admin-vuenext - 基于go-zero + Vue3 + TypeScript + Element-Plus编写的一款简单高效的前后端分离的权限管理系统前端模块
- ark-admin-zero - 基于go-zero + Vue3 + TypeScript + Element-Plus编写的一款简单高效的前后端分离的权限管理系统后端模块
- teamgram - Unofficial open source mtproto server written in golang with compatible telegram client
- Simple Admin - Simple Admin是一个基于go zero开发的的分布式微服务后端管理系统脚手架,提供后台管理系统的所有基本功能,支持k8s快速部署,助力快速开发高并发微服务集群,适合学习和商用。Simple Admin is a powerful microservice framework for basic management. It is based on go-zero and supports several advanced features. It can help you to develop a microservice back-end management system in a short time.