
Group project 2016 fall - Probabilistic Graphical Model

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

----------------------------- README ---------------------------------

Code and data for Krafft et al. "Topic-Partitioned Multinetwork
Embeddings", NIPS 2012

If you use this code or data in a paper, please use the following citation:
 title ={Topic-Partitioned Multinetwork Embeddings},
 author={Peter Krafft and Juston Moore and Bruce Desmarais and Hanna Wallach},
 booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25},
 editor = {P. Bartlett and F.C.N. Pereira and C.J.C. Burges and L. Bottou and K.Q. Weinberger},
 pages = {2816--2824},
 year = {2012},
 url = {http://books.nips.cc/papers/files/nips25/NIPS2012_1288.pdf}

The programs and documents are distributed without any warranty, express or
implied.  As the programs were written for research purposes only, they have
not been tested to the degree that would be advisable in any important
application.  All use of these programs is entirely at the user's own risk.

----------- QUICKSTART -------------

This quickstart section provides an example of how to train our model
using this package.

All commands should be run from this top directory.

--- data format ---

Our main model requires three data files: one that contains the words
of each email, one that contains the recipients of each email, and one
that contains the vocabulary used in the emails.

The format of these files is assumed to be as follows:

word matrix
- each line represents a document
- columns are separated by commas
- the first column gives the name of the original document location
  (this can also be an empty column)
- each subsequent column should contain a nonnegative number
  indicating the number of times the word type associated with that
  column occurs in that document (i.e. a vector of word counts
  corresponding to the word types given in the vocab folder).

edge matrix
- each line represents a document
- columns are separated by commas
- the first column gives the name of the original document location
  (this can also be an empty column)
- the second column gives an index between zero and the number of
  actors in the email network minus one (inclusive) indicating the
  author of that email
- there is one additional column for each actor in the email
  network. Each column should contain either a one (indicating that
  the actor is a recipient of that row's email) or a zero (indicating
  that the actor is not a recipient of that row's email). The order of
  these columns should correspond to the indices used to indicate the
  authors of the emails. The coulmn for the email's author should be 0.

vocab file
- each line represents a word type in the vocabulary
- the order of the words must correspond to the order of the columns
  in the word matrix file

--- data format example ---

file : ./data/example-raw/doc-1.txt
To: blue@example.com
From: blah@example.com
Subject: the apple
Apple crisp!

file : ./data/example-raw/doc-3.txt
To: blue@example.com
From: blech@example.com, blah@example.com
Subject: the apple
Tree! Tree, tree? Tree. (Tree)

file : ./data/example-raw/doc-3.txt
To: blue@example.com
From: blech@example.com
Subject: potato

file : ./data/example/word-matrix.csv

file : ./data/example/edge-matrix.csv

file : ./data/example/vocab.txt

--- training our main model ---

# build the jar file (requires ant version 1.7 or higher)
$ ant

# make the output directory
$ mkdir ./output

# train the model (this might take a little while)
# note that running the model for more iterations generally gives better results
$ java -Xmx1G -cp build/jar/NetworkModels.jar experiments.ConditionalStructureExperiment --word-matrix=./data/nhc/word-matrix.csv --edge-matrix=./data/nhc/edge-matrix.csv --vocab=./data/nhc/vocab.txt --num-actors=30 --num-topics=50 --num-latent-dims=2 --alpha=0.01 --beta=0.01 --num-iter=1000 --print-interval=1 --save-state-interval=100 --verbose --out-folder=./output

--- understanding the output ---

doc_topics.txt.gz : document-specific topic proportions
edge_state.txt.gz : assignments of recipients to tokens
intercepts.txt : intercept for each topic-specific latent space
latent_spaces.txt : positions for each topic-specific latent
		    space. Each row is an entire space. The position
		    of actor i is at the indices i*k, i*k + 1, ...,
		    (i*k + 1) - 1, where k is the dimension of the
log_like.txt : the log likelihood at particular iterations (frequency
	       of calculation depends on the value of the
	       print-interval option)
log_prob.txt : the joint probability of the data and the model
	       parameters at particular iterations determined by
options.0.txt : some information about the job that was run
topic_summary.txt.gz : the coherence and top ten words in each topic
topic_words.txt.gz : topic-specific distributions over word types
word_state.txt.gz : assignments of tokens to topics

Files such as


are created when --save-state-interval is greater than 0 and represent
the same data as the stem file but at the iteration specified at the
end of the file name.

--- restarting a job from a specific iteration ---

# run the commands above first
$ java -Xmx1G -cp build/jar/NetworkModels.jar experiments.ConditionalStructureExperiment --word-matrix=./data/nhc/word-matrix.csv --edge-matrix=./data/nhc/edge-matrix.csv --vocab=./data/nhc/vocab.txt --num-actors=30 --num-topics=50 --num-latent-dims=2 --alpha=0.01 --beta=0.01 --num-iter=10 --print-interval=1 --save-state-interval=5 --verbose --out-folder=./output --read-from-folder --read-folder=./output --iter-offset=1000

--- more help ---

# see all of the command line options
$ java -cp build/jar/NetworkModels.jar experiments.ConditionalStructureExperiment --help

------------- OVERVIEW -------------

This repo contains implementations of MCMC samplers for several
models. Each model is associated with a class in the experiments
package that can be used to train that model.

To run a particular model use:
$ java -cp build/jar/NetworkModels.jar experiments.[ class name ]

For help on the command-line arguments use:
java -cp build/jar/NetworkModels.jar experiments.[ class name ] --help

--- Model Classes ---

Topic-Partitioned Multinetwork Embedding (Krafft et al., 2012)
* ConditionalStructureExperiment

Bernoulli TPME (Krafft et al., 2012)
* ConditionalStructureBernoulliExperiment

Bernoulli Link-LDA (Erosheva et al., 2004)
* BernoulliEroshevaExperiment

Mixed-Membership Latent Space Model 
* MMLSEMExperiment

Mixed-Membership Stochastic Blockmodel (Airoldi et al., 2008)
* Separately implemented in ./mmsb

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (Blei et al., 2003)
* LDAExperiment

A simple baseline is also implemented.
* EdgeFrequencyExperiment

Special Cases:
- LSM (Hoff et al., 2002) is a special case of MMLSEMExperiment when
num-topics is one.

--------------- Data ---------------

We collected the NHC data ourselves. It is part of the public record.

We downloaded the Enron data from
It is also part of the public record.

----------- DEPENDENCIES -----------

MALLET and its dependencies

Apache Commons CLI version 1.2

GNU Trove

build.xml requires ant version 1.7 or later

To run MMSB you will need the a soft link to the boost C++ library in 
the mmsb directly.  You can currently download this library here: