Created by Yicong Chang, Yankai Wang, Fei Sheng, and Feng Xue from BUPT
Official Python/ROS Implementation for "A Novel Multi-layer Framework for Tiny Obstacle Discovery", ICRA 2019
This repository contains the official Python/ROS implementation for "A Novel Multi-layer Framework for Tiny Obstacle Discovery". This paper has been accepted by IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2019.
Note: This version has been slightly different from the Matlab Version, mainly including the following points:
- The feature, namely, mode of edge pixels, is slightly simplified to accelerate the algorithm.
- For higher efficiency, many modules in this system are implemented in C++.
- The modules in the system are largely accelerated, although there is still a lot of room for improvement.
- The performance of this implementation is slightly lower than that of the Matlab implementation
If you find the paper or the code useful, please cite our paper:
Author = {Feng Xue, Anlong Ming, Menghan Zhou and Yu Zhou},
booktitle={2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
title={A Novel Multi-layer Framework for Tiny Obstacle Discovery},
You may download the original images from here and annotations from here. Then, you will have the following directory structure:
|_ leftImg8bit
| |_ test
| | |_ 02_Hanns_Klemm_Str_44
| | |_ ...
| | |_ 15_Rechbergstr_Deckenpfronn
| |_ train
| | |_ 01_Hanns_Klemm_Str_45
| | |_ ...
| | |_ 14_Otto_Lilienthal_Str_24
|_ gtCoarse
| |_ test
| | |_ 02_Hanns_Klemm_Str_44
| | |_ ...
| | |_ 15_Rechbergstr_Deckenpfronn
| |_ train
| | |_ 01_Hanns_Klemm_Str_45
| | |_ ...
| | |_ 14_Otto_Lilienthal_Str_24
The packages of our environment is listed as follows:
- Ubuntu 16.04
- ROS Kinetic
- Python 3.5.2
- Numpy 1.18.2
- Boost_Python 1.58.0
- OpenCV 3.3.0
- Matplotlib 3.0.3
- scikit-learn 0.22.2
- scipy 1.4.1
- joblib 0.14.1
To avoid the wrong import of OpenCV2 given by ROS, remove
in the ROS's python path :/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/
Compile the C++ code
cd ./pyboostcvconverter
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j8
Copy the file
Compile the ROS workspace
cd TOD_ros
- If you found some errors in compiling the workspace, please delete "devel", " build", and try again.
For testing the algorithm on lost and found dataset, you can run the launch file:
cd TOD_ros
source ./devel/setup.bash
roslaunch tod test.launch
The graph of ROS can be seen as follows:
Note for test.launch:
is the name of experiments, it determines the name of final performance file.exp_path
is the path of all experiments files, please set it.
Note for
is the path of Lost and Found dataset.
The evaluations will be conducted when all the images are processed. Eventually, two files recorded the performances are created:
For visualization, you needs to add performance files into the ros_names
list and the recall_names
list in
, and run the script:
cd ./TOD_ros/src/tod/scripts/
If you want to train your own model, run the following code.
cd ./TOD_ros/src/tod/scripts/
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[4] Pinggera P , Ramos S , Gehrig S , et al. Lost and Found: Detecting Small Road Hazards for Self-Driving Vehicles[C]// IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2016.