BlocksConverter is a PocketMine-MP plugin that allows you to convert block IDs and datas to another type. For example, if you need to import a Minecraft Java Edition world, you can use it for convert to a Minecraft: BE world!
- /convertqueue <add|remove|status> [levelName|all] (Permission: blocksconverter.commands.convertqueue)
- /cq add <levelname|all>: It adds one or all loaded worlds/levels in queue before the conversion.
- /cq remove <levelname|all>: It removes one or all loaded worlds/levels from the queue.
- /cq status: It shows the status of current queue.
- /convert <levelname|queue> [backup=true|false] (Permission: blocksconverter.commands.convert)
- /convert [levelname] [backup=true|false]: It directly convert a loaded world/level (without quotes!) and it optionally runs a backup (by default is true)
- /convert queue [backup=true|false]: It starts to convert all the loaded worlds/levels in queue.
chunk-radius: 10 #It loads all the chunks in the specific radius (starting point is world spawn) and it allows to convert more blocks in the map.
#This is the section for setup the blocks to be converted in all queued worlds
<id>-<metadata>: #The ID and data of block that need to be replaced
converted-id: <new_id> #The correct corresponding block ID.
converted-data: <new_metadata> #The correct corresponding block data.
converted-id: 158
converted-data: 0
converted-id: 44
converted-data: 6
125-0: #Dropper
converted-id: 157
converted-data: 1
126-0: #Activator Rail
converted-id: 44
converted-data: 1
166-0: #MCPC Barrier
converted-id: 95
converted-data: 0
188-0: #MCPC Repeating command block
converted-id: 85
converted-data: 1
189-0: #MCPC Command block
converted-id: 85 #Birch fence
converted-data: 2
191: #MCPC Dark oak fence
converted-id: 85
converted-data: 5
This plugin could take some time before the conversion isn't finished. While the conversion, don't try to stop or turn off the server until it's finished.