
a clone of https://sourceforge.net/projects/simpl/

Primary LanguageC


FILE:			readme.dynamic_library

DATE:			09 Jan 21

DESCRIPTION:	Description of how to complie SIMPL for use on a 
				MAC OS X platform.

NOTE:			tabs = 4 for this file.

$Log: readme.dynamic_library,v $
Revision 1.2  2009/01/22 19:02:39  johnfcsoft
clean up


This note contains the directions necessary for producing and using
the dynamically linked SIMPL libraries.

The following directories can produce dynamic (shared) libraries.
	$SIMPL_HOME/simplipc/src - main SIMPL library
	$SIMPL_HOME/fclogger/src - trace logger library
	$SIMPL_HOME/simplUtils/src - a miscellaneous library

Here are the steps to producing a dynamic library.

1. Clean out the old library: 
	make clean

2. Make new dynamic library
	make dynamic

Once these dynamic libraries have been built you need to setup a path for the
dynamic loader by editing /etc/ld.so.conf and adding the line "simple library
path". "simple library path" may be something like /home/simpl/lib. Note that
/home/simpl is $SIMPL_HOME in this configuration.

ie. wherever the *.so library files are located after a successful make

You must now update the /etc/ld.so.cache file by running the ldconfig utility:

You should check that your libsimpl.so library has been added by running:
ldconfig -p