
Training code

eleboss opened this issue · 7 comments

Thanks for the nice work.
Is there any plan to release the code training code? (with in a feasible time ? )

Thank you 🤗 for your interest in gim. We are gradually releasing the code for gim. Tomorrow, I will release the relevant data and code for ZEB. The next step will be to start working on releasing the training code, so please be patient for a little while longer.

seems you have done uploading the ZED stuff?

Yes, we are preparing the rest of the code.

any updates over the previous month?

I'm also looking forward the training code.

Thank you for your recognition and attention. As my collaborators and I are usually busy with our own work-related matters, we can only use our spare time to handle tasks such as code release. Due to recent work is busy, this has affected our progress. I will try my best to allocate time to push this forward in the future.