
OpenGL shader playground with fixed/mouse/eye-based foveated rendering. Final project for 15-469 Visual Computing Systems course at CMU.

Primary LanguageC++

OpenGL Foveated Rendering Demo & Playground

CMU 15-469 S22 Final Project

Gustavo Silvera

What is this?

  • This is a playground repository for demoing an implementation of foveated rendering on standard OpenGL fragment shaders. The algorithm for foveated rendering closely follows the one described in Oculus' Tech Note: Mask-based Foveated Rendering with Unreal Engine 4.
  • To see the corresponding final report, check out paper/final_report.pdf
  • This repo contains custom implementations for the pixel-dropping and reconstruction shaders in OpenGL 3.3 and I aim to eveluate the performance benefits compared to full-quality rendering across various shaders and with various tuning parameters.

How does it work?

  • The idea behind foveated rendering is quite simple: prioritize quality in the foveal region where a user is looking, gradually decrease quality as the scene gets further into the periphery.
    • The ideal situation for foveated rendering is in VR applications where an eye-tracker can be built-in to a VR headset (see HTC Vive Pro Eye) and there is only one user looking at the content.
    • Since this is an exercise in shader development and not necessarily VR, I simplified the process by using the mouse cursor as the primary signal for the central foveated region. It would be nice to use a Tobii device or fast webcam based solution that could run in accurately and fast.

Implementation details?

  • First, the regions defining the various quality regions is determined (as a function of distance from the central region). I'm using 4 levels:
    1. 100% quality (threshold defined in params/params.ini:thresh1)
    2. 75% quality (threshold defined in params/params.ini:thresh2)
    3. 50% quality (threshold defined in params/params.ini:thresh3)
    4. 25% quality (Used if not in any of the other regions

Pixel dropping

  • Pixels (or groups of pixels) are dropped depending on their region as follows:
    • pixel_dropping
    • Note that dropping individual pixels is usually not worthwhile as the GPU scheduling often performs work in batches anyways, but the size of these batches is tunable in params/params.ini



Pixel infilling/reconstruction

  • After dropping pixels in the above step, we know the pattern and need to reconstruct the gaps in the image. Luckily, this can be done as a (relatively inexpensive) post-processing step that uses the previous shader's framebuffer as a texture to perform its pixel fetching.
    • The standard approach is to use trilinear interpolation when enough data is available (in the 75% and 50% quality regions), and revert to bilinear when there is not enough neighbourhing information (in the 25% quality range).
75%, 50% quality (trilinear) 25% quality (bilinear)
pixel_reconstruction_easy pixel_reconstruction_easy

(if you look closely [especially when the animation is paused] you can see a ring around the mouse cursor where the various regions are defined)


What works?

  • Currently, the foveated-rendering pixel dropping shader works in that it can call other fragment shaders (see shaders/README.md) while dropping pixels according to their region.
  • Also, the foveated-rendering reconstruction (infilling) shader works for all three. It is currently using trilinear interpolation for the first two foveal regions (75% and 50% quality) and bilinear interpolation for the last (25%) layer.
  • You can pause the shader while its running by pressing SPACE.
  • You can reload the shaders by pressing R.
  • You can switch to the next/prev shader by pressing A/LEFT and D/RIGHT respectively.
  • You can increase/decrease the drop block size (by factor of 2) by pressing W/UP and D/DOWN respectively.
  • You can toggle the postprocessing shader during runtime by pressing TAB/ENTER.
  • You can exit the application by pressing ESC.
  • All params work as expected in params/params.ini
    • Currently can tune things like the pixel group size, thresholds for the foveal region radii, whether or not to use the foveated rendering & postprocessing shaders, and paths for the shaders.

What doesn't work?

  • I haven't plugged in any eye-tracking functionality yet. Once I have one reliable and fast enough, I would like to use the eye gaze on screen coordinates as indicators for the central foveal region instead of the mouse cursor. Currently looking into this webcam-based eye tracking project but it is currently too unreliable and slow for release.

How to build

This has been tested on my M1 Max laptop running MacOS 12.3. Ideally it should be fairly cross-platform but I haven't tested on Linux/Windows.


Ensure you have the following dependencies:

  • clang with c++17 support
  • make, cmake, and c++

Install OpenGL (specifically glfw)

First you'll need to install glfw. This can be simply done as follows:

git clone https://github.com/glfw/glfw
cd glfw
mkdir build && cd build
make -j10
sudo make install # installs to system path (requires sudo)
  • This will install glfw to /usr/local/lib on a MacOS machine.
  • The -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=arm64 is for my machine which uses an arm64 processor.

Build gl-fovrender

git clone https://github.com/gustavosilvera/gl-fovrender
cd gl-fovrender
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j10

Run gl-fovrender

# use default params file location

# or choose a designated params file
./gl-fovrender /path/to/params.ini

Next Steps?

  • I was wanting to implement this technology in a VR system, similar to MariosBikos_HTC's situation described in this blog post. Unfortunately UE4.26 is not officially supported and I've had limited success in hacking the engine to support the NVidia Variable Rate Shading effectively in release/package mode.
