
Primary LanguageVim script

// docker container based on Arch linux, zsh & oh-my-zsh, compiled YouCompleteMe(c/c++, golang support turned on)
1. docker build -t mynewzsh .
2. docker run -ti --rm --name myzshcontainer -v ~/workspace:/home/zsher/workspace mynewzsh:latest
3. inside container, launch vim and run :PlugInstall
4. for cpp project, suggest to see cpptest example README.txt (note if attach storage workspace, cpp folder will not be copied by default)
5. enjoy

6. using docker builder to build inside docker container 
 docker run -ti --rm --name myzshcontainer -v ~/workspace:/home/zsher/workspace -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock mynewzsh:latest
(see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27879713/is-it-ok-to-run-docker-from-inside-docker)
Inside docker, change root password and switch to root to build.

user setup took from:

vim env uses:

.zshrc config: