
:sparkles:A chat app using the MEAN stack

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This project is a practice to my self-studying. I keep a to-do list on top of the server.js file, if anyone wanna grab.

It is a web-based real-time single-page chat app in node.js.

Most JavaScript code is now in ES6 style.

Demo on Heroku: https://safe-shore-4614.herokuapp.com/

Used tools include: Express, AngularJS, Socket.io, MongoDB(with Mongoose on MongoLab), client-sessions, Moment.js, jQuery, and Bootstrap. See package.json for dependencies.

Instruction for Developers

0. Install the newest Node.js if it's not at v5.x

1. After download the repo, open folder in terminal and type 'npm install'

2. Type 'node server.js' in terminal to run the app.

3. Go to localhost:3000 on browser.

Current Features for Users

For both guest users and registered users:

Hidden Emojis in chat rooms!

Join different chat rooms with different usernames(as long as it's not being used by registered users)

Pass live messages with names and sent time within a chat room

Modify sent time to user's time zone

User commands:

  • type "/help" for the details of user commands
  • type "/currentUsers" for the names of current user in your chat room
  • type "/clear" to clear the chat
  • type "/roomHis" to display the message history of your current room.
  • type "/myHis" to display the message history of your current display name.
  • More commands are on the way!

For registered users only:

Claim a display name that will no longer avaiable to other users

Personal chat message history

Change password

Mail box
