Burger King In Washington State(2007)

Date:2020.5.10 Author:Cindy Xu

Here is a map for Burger King in Washington states in year 20007. I used a monochrome basemap to make the site simple nad clear. On contract, the icon that represent each Burger King is in orange and has a radius of 3. Thus the icons won't looked so crowded with each other.

Through this map, the user will be able to see the distribution of the burger king around the state and find which area has more fast food than others.

In the future, I plan to add more data to this map. 1) I will add all Burger King around the America, so the users can see which state/area has more Burger King than others and if Burger King is more common in east coast or west. 2) I also have the data for all other fast food franchise like "taco bell", "Mac'n Donald" etc, with those data presented, it will be more clearer to compare between different brand and learn how differnt place prefer different fast food brand.