Download via Gradle:
compile 'com.xufeng.databindingadapter:databindingadapter:1.0.0'
or Maven:
Create a class ViewHolder (JokeViewHolder
for example). The method updateView
will be call with the object, when an update of your view is require:
public class JokeViewHolder extends BindingViewHolder<JokeDto> {
public JokeViewHolder(ViewDataBinding viewDataBinding) { super(viewDataBinding);}
protected void updateView(Context context, JokeDto object, int position) {
getBinding().setVariable(BR.joke, object);
Give this ViewHolder class to the constructor of the adapter (SimpleAdapter) of your RecyclerView, with the resource id of your item view and the list of objects:
BindingRecyclerViewAdapter<JokeDto> adapter = new BindingRecyclerViewAdapter<>(R.layout.joke_item, JokeViewHolder.class);
And that's it!
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