World Cup 2014 with Neo4j

We've built a Neo4j World Cup Graph which you can read more about at Instructions on getting it up and running locally are below.

Starting Neo4j

The import of this data set uses LOAD CSV which was introduced in Neo4j 2.1.2 so you'll need to use that version.

You can download Neo4j 2.1.2 from the Neo4j website.

###Mac / Unix

cd /path/to/where/you/installed/neo4j
./bin/neo4j start

###Windows Launch Neo4j using the desktop application

## Importing the data set

Mac / Unix (with command line skillz)

Clone this repository

Set the $WC_DB environment variable to the path to where you've installed Neo4j:

export WC_DB="/path/to/where/you/installed/neo4j"

Run the script to import all the data:


Windows / Not familiar with the command line

Clear everything in the database and create indexes by running the following cypher statements in Neo4j browser


CREATE INDEX ON :WorldCup(name);
CREATE INDEX ON :Stadium(stadium);
CREATE INDEX ON :Phase(phase);
CREATE INDEX ON :Country(name);
CREATE INDEX ON :Time(time);
CREATE INDEX ON :MatchNumber(value);
CREATE INDEX ON :Player(id);
CREATE INDEX ON :Player(name);

Copy the contents of the following files into your Neo4j browser window one after the other and run them:

Querying the data set

We're collating interesting queries you can write against the data set in queries.cyp. Try some of them out!

Getting the raw data

There are 3 steps to getting the data ready for Neo4j:

  • Find the pages we want to download e.g. all the matches
ruby scripts/find_matches.rb > data/matches.csv
  • Download those pages
# reads from data/matches.csv and downloads into data/matches/
ruby scripts/download_matches.rb
  • Create CSV files that we can use with Neo4j's LOAD CSV
# creates data/import/matches.csv
ruby scripts/to_csv